
Guest Post with Author Susannah Scot and Giveaway

Susannah Scott writes dragon-filled Paranormal Romance and lives with her family in Southern Missouri. She loves connecting with readers through Social Media—and almost always replies!

Places to find Susannah:
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Any SJP fans out there?

We Gen-XYers don't even pause-hell yeah! The bad dating of my twenties seemed benign compared to the antics of Sarah Jessica Parker and her posse on Sex and The City. When I saw Sarah she had done a "zippy-fun" 5 minute video interview with Vogue answering 73 questions, I was intrigued. 73 questions, in 5 minutes! (No, don't go google it now! I'll give you the link at the bottom)

The first time though the video, I was charmed and entertained. The second time, I felt the challenge of rapid-fire repartee calling my name... I wonder how I would answer all those questions?

Drum roll please....

For your snappy reading pleasure, I transcribed the questions and broke them into serial blog posts for my release tour. Many thanks to Dani for hosting my 5th segment!

Let's do this thing!

Q37: Spirit animal?
A: Owl

Q38: Best gift you've received?
A: Sculpture flowers, last week!
I kill plants, but I love them, but I kill them, but I love them... For my birthday my hub and three boys found me these awesome iron sculpture flowers that I can't kill. I love them AND I can't kill them! (picture attached with faces blurred to keep down their embarrassment)

Q39: Last gift you gave a friend?
A: I passed on a book to a girlfriend turning 40. It's a community book that has changed hands 20+ times, extolling to wonder of the 4th decade. *insert snarky laugh*

Q40: Person you want to have coffee with?
A: Amy S. ( call me=) )
Amy and her husband run this awesome river resort here in the Ozarks. They work their tails off from May to October and I hardly get to see her. She has the funniest stories about what folks do on the river when they think they're in the boonies-fall off your seat laughing stories. Plus, she is just a wicked cool chick who totally gets and supports my writing. I have withdrawal when her summer season rolls into high gear.

Q41: Historical figure you want to have coffee with?
A: Stumped, help me out!

Q42: How do you like your coffee?
A: Really STRONG with real whipping cream. Watery coffee in the morning pisses me off.

Q43: Favorite curse word?
A: Piss. See above.

Q44: Favorite board game?
A: Life
Around Christmas, we were visiting churches and the pastor challenged the congregation to have an electronics free evening with their family. No TV, computers, phones, kindles ect. We decided to have a board game night. We happened to pull out LIFE. What an amazing game for stimulating conversation about having babies, and going to college, and differences in earnings, and buying houses, and debt. Awesome. Such a meaningful evening. We've done it several more times since.

Q45: Favorite country to visit?
A: Greece
SJP and I agree on this one! Specifically, Crete and the other islands. Magical.

Q46: Country you wish to visit?
A: Russia, Siberia
I'm writing a book now that takes place in Lake Bikal Region. I would go tomorrow if I could!

How about you? I challenge you to pick 1 question from above and answer it in the comments. As a bonus, I'll give a free copy (one per person) of my new release STOP DRAGON MY HEART AROUND to 1 randomly picked answerer.

You know you want to try!

If you'd like to follow the rest of the interview, you can see a complete listing of my serial blog tour here. (link -- ) .

All my best,
Susannah Scott

PS> Here is the SJP Vogue Interview I promised (link-- )

Lucky Leprechaun underwear ironed? Check.

Gold plated hearing aids? Check.

Pink doggy booties, times four? Check.

Tee is Vegas’s favorite casino hostess, ready to grant her high rollers their every quirky wish. But when her own wish to financially help her Paiute Tribe finally comes true, she decides to double-down with lady luck and go for a hot hook-up with her sexy boss, Leo. Unfortunately, Tee’s about to find out why their romance is such a long shot—Leo is a shape-shifting dragon.

Leo needs a proper dragon mate to save his waning dragon form, and despite their magnetic sexual attraction, he knows Tee is anything but proper—or a dragon. But when threats arise from Tee's tribe, Leo’s protective instincts kick in. Can he give up his dragon form for the woman he loves—even if it means shortening his life? Or has Tee finally had enough of having her heart dragged around?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Tee watched his pupils crowd out his green irises. The scent of him washed over her, clean, and manly. The hustle of the casino melted away, so it was only the two of them, anchored together inside a whirling kaleidoscope of blurred people.

“I like the way you smell.” She touched his suit gently and ran her hand inside his lapel. The heat of his body was a magnetic force field. “I like everything about you.”

Leo stiffened and pulled away as the elevator doors opened. “Wear more bloody clothes or don’t come to work.”

Tee followed him, slipping alone with him inside the elevator. Without looking at him, she inserted her key card and withdrew it to turn off the alarm, and then hit the stall button. The elevator slid to a smooth halt. The air grew heavy and hot. The only sounds were the crooning casino Musak, Leo’s breathing, and the rapid beating of her heart.

Check out what's up for grabs.
Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Amazon Gift Card
  • 1 Dragon-Worthy Flashy Jewelry
  • 1 eBook copy of Stop Dragon My Heart Around

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Susannah's question: How about you? I challenge you to pick 1 question from above and answer it in the comments
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Make sure to leave you email address with your comment to be eligible to win the eBook.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Susannah Scott for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

Q42: I don't drink a lot of coffee, but when I do, it has to have caramel macchiato creamer in it. Yum.

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! Stop Dragon My Heart Around sounds great, so fingers crossed for luck. :-)

MrsDmacs said...

Thank you for the great Q&A and giveaway! I LOVE your flowers.....they would be perfect for me. Although I love flowers I kill them too and I am deathly allergic to bees!

kathy p said...

loved the interview!

Terri C. said...

Thanks for the giveaway and best of luck with your new release. To answer a question from above, my favorite curse word is the F word!

Unknown said...

thank you Lindsey!

Unknown said...

thank you MrsD!

Unknown said...

Thanks Kathy!

Unknown said...

A *classic* ! I had so much fun doing this interview, thanks for commenting!

Unknown said...

Thanks you to super rambler chick Dani for hosting me today! I'll check back later on the comments!

Unknown said...

Great interview and thanks for the amazing giveaway!!!

lorimeehan said...

Ramblings From This Chick is one of my favorite blogs. I get some great book referrals from them b

Unknown said...

thanks Laura!

Unknown said...

I agree @Lori!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway! Loved the excerpt!

JanD said...

Enjoyed the excerpt.
I would like to visit New Zealand.

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