
Interview with Author Jeannie Moon and Giveaway

Meet Jeannie Moon, author of The Wedding Secret.

Jeannie Moon has always been a romantic. When she’s not spinning tales of her own, Jeannie works as a school librarian, thankful she has a job that allows her to immerse herself in books and call it work. Married to her high school sweetheart, Jeannie has three kids, three lovable dogs and a mischievous cat and resides on Long Island, NY. If she’s more than ten miles away from salt water for any longer than a week, she gets twitchy. Unexpectedly Yours is the second book in her Forever Love Series. Visit Jeannie’s website at

Places to find Jeannie:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I’m a native Long Islander and I still live in the same town where I was born. I have three adult children and my husband and I have known each other since we were seventeen. By day, I’m a school librarian, and by night I put on my romance writer’s hat, and do what I adore doing...creating stories.

A la Twitter style, please describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
The Wedding Secret is about two people who figure out that you can't find true love until you embrace who you really are.

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
Epiphany scenes. Those scenes when the character has some “slap upside the head” moment that changes the way he sees everything.

What are the things that influence you the most as a writer?
My belief in the Happy Ever After. I don’t think it’s bunk or unreachable. I believe that if someone really wants love she will find it, but it takes work, a willingness to let down your guard and take risks and to trust another person with your most precious possession...your heart. My characters find love when they stop playing it safe and take a risk with their hearts.

What are some of your favorite characteristics to find in a hero?
Honesty, loyalty, a sense of humor and brains. I love men with big smarts. ;)

Tell me, is there anything that we would be surprised to learn about you?
I got a tattoo when I turned forty. I know that’s not such a big deal now, but, um...I’m kinda old and when I did said I wanted to do it, no one believed I’d go through with it. But I went out with a friend, who happened to design my pretty tattoo (a crescent moon with a vine of flowers wrapping around it) and I had it done. I’ve never regretted it, but I wouldn’t do it again.

If you could live inside any book, which one would you choose and why?
I’ve always said I would give up indoor plumbing for Jamie Fraser, so the answer would be Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Crazy, right? All the problems, the lack of comforts, the impending doom...still I think he’d be worth it. But the truth is, the whole setting of the Outlander novels fascinate me. I may have been born in the wrong century. I was able to live out a bit of my Jamie fantasy one year, though—my husband and I went as Jamie and Claire to a Halloween party. I have to say, my man looks incredible in a kilt.

If you could spend the day in the shoes of any of your characters, who would you choose and why?
I’d probably want to live in the skin of my current heroine, the one I’m writing, Kim Torres. She’s a former Navy nurse turned nanny who served her country in a war zone. She went through hell, but she came out better for it, and her commitment to her job and her mission move me.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring only three items, what would you bring and why?
Oh, that’s hard. A supply of notebooks and pencils, a copy of Bet Me, by Jennifer Crusie and Michael Fassbender. The notebooks and pencils would be so I could write; Bet Me is my go to romance when I need cheering up. I’ve read it at least a dozen times. And Fassbender? I don’t think I have to explain that.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m working on the fourth Forever Love Story, which still doesn’t have a title! It focuses on Kim, Harper’s nanny in The Wedding Secret, and Owen, whom we met in The Temporary Wife. Both are veterans and I can tell you it’s going to be a very emotional story.

I’d love to know what draws all of you to romance. Is it the book boyfriends? The sexy times? The happy ever after? Tell me.

Please stay in touch! You can catch up to me on my website where you can find all my social media links (Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest), excerpts to all the books and a place to sign up for my newsletter!

I’m going to provide one commenter with a digital copy of my book, THE WEDDING SECRET, when it releases next week. Domestic only.

Millionaire baseball player Kevin Rossi is quite a catch…

Harper Poole’s Harvard MBA and killer instincts have made her a high-powered assistant at a software firm that generates billions. No one would ever guess she’s been keeping a secret: that she isn’t the trust fund baby everyone thinks she is, but was really raised in a trailer park in western Pennsylvania. Harper has a great life and has everything she wants—except love. But a one-night stand at a wedding with the bride’s brother can help take a girl’s mind off anything.

Kevin Rossi is a superstar major league catcher who can have any woman he wants. So when Harper discovers she’s pregnant after their one night of passion, she has no intention of making any demands on him. It will just be another secret to keep. But when the two meet again a year later, Harper wrestles with her choice—especially when her heart longs for the father of her baby…

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Check out the Forever Love series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of The Wedding Secret

To Enter: 
  • Please answers Jeannie's question: I’d love to know what draws all of you to romance. Is it the book boyfriends? The sexy times? The happy ever after? Tell me.
  • Domestic ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Jeannie Moon for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


TXAggie said...

Definitely the happy ever after, but most importantly the experiences of how you get there!

kathy p said...

love the happy ever after!

dstoutholcomb said...


Sandy Kenny said...

Although I love the HEA, I tend to really love the process that leads to that HEA. I love seeing the growth in both the hero and heroine. I really love watching a character develop. I also love watching a couple fall in love--to start out not exactly in love and to see that progression into falling in love. Does that make any sense?? Anyway, thanks for posting here today. It sounds like a fun read!

Anonymous said...

It's the journey towards the HEA.

Marcy Shuler

Unknown said...

Gotta love the HEA, but I agree, the journey is the fun part! :)

Glenda said...

The escape from real life and the HEA - more importantly, their journey to the HEA. :-)

Unknown said...

The HEA is what draws me to romance. What entertains me is the journey. Thanks for the interview Jeannie Moon

bn100 said...

the HEA

Hattie said...

The book boyfriend and happily ever afters....

Unknown said...

So who is the favorite book boyfriend?

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