
ARC Review: Call Me Saffron by Talia Quinn

Call Me Saffron is the first book in the Greenpoint Pleasures series by Talia Quinn. This one was novella length at approximately 140 pages, and was a good quick read. I really liked the characters, and the story was easy to get into. Call Me Saffron was also my first read by Talia Quinn, but I enjoyed it so much that it won't be my last.

Samantha Lilly doesn't do love or relationships, and for the past two years she hasn't even done one night stands or casual sex. But when her call-girl roommate sets her up with a hot client of hers for the night, she ends up going because she thinks that her roommate is sick and needs help. She meets Dylan the client, and they hit it off right away. Things are intense between them, and soon they are getting closer than she had expected. She leaves the next morning and decides that because of how she was feeling she should stay away, even after he makes several attempts to contact her. Several months later, he walks into her office though and she is forced to talk to him. Dylan is hurt at the way she ended things, but the feelings and attraction are still there between them. Dylan sets out to bring down the walls that Samantha has put up, but will he be able to convince her to give love a chance?

I liked Dylan and Samantha. They both had some issues, and they both handled things poorly at different times. Dylan was sexy and sweet at times, and he was determined when it came to Samantha. But he also would say and do things sometimes that pushed Samantha away even more. I liked that he was just as hung up on her though as she was on him even though she wouldn't ever admit it. Samantha was stubborn and she was vulnerable from losing her parents and feeling like she couldn't let anyone in and lose them also. She tended to run when things got at all emotional or deep, and that was very apparent when she was around Dylan. But they had really strong chemistry, and a connection that they didn't have with others. Samantha brought Dylan back after his painful divorce and the betrayal of his wife, and Dylan did the same for her after losing her grandfather. They were great for each other, and I really liked them together.

Overall, I thought that this was a great novella length story. It was sweet and sexy, and I thought that Dylan and Samantha were really hot together. Some of the push and pull got a bit too much at times, and I kept hoping that they would just stop sniping at each other a few times. They would do or say mean or hurtful things, and sometimes it just didn't seem necessary. But I kept reading because I liked them both and knew that they had to figure things out eventually. This was a good quick read, and I can't wait to read more from Talia Quinn. I would recommend this to contemporary fans looking something short and sexy with an HEA that leaves your heart happy.

**ARC Provided by Tasty Book Tours**

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