
ARC Review: Stupid Girl by Cindy Miles

Cindy Miles is a new to me author, but after reading the blurb for Stupid Girl I really wanted to read it. I am really glad that I took a chance on this one, and I really enjoyed reading it. There were things about this one that were similar to a lot of other NA reads, but I liked this book and was interested enough in the story and characters that it really didn't bother me.

Olivia Beaumont heads a few hours away from her small hometown to attend college and get away from everything that happened. She had been through a lot with her ex-boyfriend and was determined to focus on her love of astronomy. She meets Brax right away, and the attraction between them is instant. But Brax has a reputation for being a player, and she is immediately warned by many to stay away from him. Brax pursues her relentlessly and she agrees to hang out with him, but only as friends. But as they start to get to know each other she sees that he is different with her than others have told her. But there are many secrets between them, and it's only a matter of time before the truth comes out. Can they make it through everything once there are no longer and secrets between them, or will there have been too much for them to overcome?

I liked Brax. He was sexy and charming, and I loved that he was from Boston and had a Southie accent. He was athletic and was a baseball star. He had been with a lot of girls and he had a reputation, but he never wavered from his interest in Olivia. I loved that he was determined to win her over and he never gave up. He treated her well, and he was extremely protective of her. I liked that he had little nicknames for her and that she was the same with him. I really liked Olivia and the fact that she was a survivor. She didn't let everything get her down and she was determined to move forward with her life while focusing on what she loved. She was dedicated and she was really open minded. I liked that she didn't judge others and was willing to give Brax a shot. I thought that they had great chemistry together and were adorable with one another. I loved seeing them be playful together and have fun, but I also loved that they were able to open up to one another and lean on the other.

Overall, I thought that this was a really good story. I liked the characters and I was drawn in right from the start. I did think that there were some predictable and common elements in this story compared to other NA reads, but I was still able to really be invested in this story and enjoy it. There were several times throughout the story when the author seemed to need to remind us that Brax had an accent, and I thought that it was a bit overdone. It was hard to forget and I just felt like that wasn't needed. I also felt like even though we did get some of Brax's POV in this one besides just Olivia's that I would have liked to have seen a bit more of his POV. But I did really like this story and would recommend it to NA fans. I look forward to reading more from Cindy Miles in the future.

**ARC Provided by Good Choice Reading**

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Amanda said...

Thank you for participating in the tour! Great review.

And did you get a new blog design? New or old it's gorgeous!

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