
ARC Review: When You Are Mine by Kennedy Ryan

Let me start off by saying that this book was not an easy read, and that there are readers who will struggle with this book. It was a great book that was written really well, and was beautiful yet heartbreaking. But there are things in this story that some will have problems with, and it deals with some pretty heavy stuff. I think that When You Are Mine is definitely worth the read, but I think that you should go into this one knowing what to expect and seeing if it is the book for you. I was really impressed with Kennedy Ryan's debut, and after the ending of this book I absolutely cannot wait to get the next one. This is only the first part of Kerris and Walsh's story, so expect the ending to leave you hanging with this one.

Kerris Moreton grew up being bounced from foster home to foster home after being abandoned by her mother. She has found a great guy in Cam, and they come from similar backgrounds. They get along great and make a great couple except the passion is lacking between them. But Kerris knows that they can make a family together and have the life that they have both always wanted. What she doesn't expect is to meet his handsome best friend Walsh Bennett, and instantly feel all the chemistry and passion with him that she is missing with Cam. Walsh and Kerris try to avoid each other as much as possible knowing that their connection is a dangerous one, but they seem to always find each other when they need the other the most. Kerris and Walsh not only have passion and chemistry together, but both of the are able to open up to the other in a way that they don't have with anyone else. How can they possibly move forward without heartbreak when Kerris is committed to making things work with Cam regardless of her feelings for Walsh. Can Walsh let Kerris go since his best friend found her first?

These characters were all so deep and interesting. They were all unique and real, and I loved them flaws and all. It was hard to watch them all struggle at different points throughout this story, but I really loved seeing their growth and the first part of their journey. Kerris was strong and smart, and yet she was vulnerable because of her past and her circumstances. She tended to have insecurities when it came to what she thought she deserved and could have in her personal life. I thought that she was good with Cam, but she was clearly in love with Walsh. She tried to do the right thing and avoid Walsh, but their love and connection was undeniable and they kept being drawn to each other no matter how hard they tried to stay away from one another. I liked Cam. I thought that he was a great guy who had been through a lot. He was used to being with a lot of women, and yet he had no problems settling down with Kerris. He loved her and wanted to make her as happy as she made him. But I did think that he was really possessive of her, and he definitely started to get pretty mean with her as the story progressed. He probably does love and care for her, but I thought that even though he was hurting he handled things really badly when it came to her and I honestly started to dislike him and lose respect for him. She was trying so hard even though she had messed up and he was pretty rough with her and said a lot of really hurtful things. I liked Walsh a lot though. He was so kind and caring and was interested in doing good for others. He was selfless and tried so hard to keep his feelings for Kerris in check. It was clear to see his feelings for her though, and that she was so different for him. She was everything that he never knew he was looking for and she really was his perfect match. I thought that they had a ton of chemistry and the attraction between them was obvious. But they also connected on such an emotional level that it was clear to see that what they had was real and true, and was one of a kind.

I was really not ready for this story to be over when it ended. I am so impatient when I have to wait and not know what is going to happen next. I was so invested in the story between Kerris and Walsh that I feel like any length of time before the next book is too long. This story was such an emotional read, and there is so much that happens. This one was not an easy book to read, and my heart was literally breaking at points in this story. There is so much love and loss and pain in this book, that at times you wonder how the characters will ever recover. I have faith that Kennedy Ryan knows what she is doing with these characters, and that she will give them the ending they deserve. I have to believe that after suffering through everything that they have, that there has to be something good coming their way. I would definitely recommend this story though, and I think that even with the heartbreak and tough parts of this book that Kerris and Walsh are worth the read. I am trying to patiently wait for the next book, and I can't wait to get more from these characters. I think that this was a great start for Kennedy Ryan, and I look forward to seeing what else she writes in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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