
Event Coming Soon...Coastal Magic Convention

The 2015 Coastal Magic Convention is one step closer, today… and not just because the calendar has changed to June. WE HAVE FEATURED AUTHORS!! Go… check it out… I'll wait. :-)

I am SO excited to share the first batch of 2015 Featured Authors with you!! The blend of authors you know and love, with authors you WILL know and love, makes me so happy. I really think we're going to have something for EVERYONE to get excited about.

A few quick notes:

1. This is NOT the entire list of Featured Authors!! WHAT??? You heard that right... there will be more authors added as details get finalized. Keep your fingers crossed, and your eyes peeled, ladies and gents!

2. At this point, all new Featured Author requests are being added to a waiting list. Something to keep in mind if you're an author who gets put on the waiting list... there are a limited number of additional spots available for the charity booksigning. If you register to attend Coastal Magic as a reader, simply email coastalmagicconvention at gmail dot com to request one of those spots.

3. Our 2015 Featured Bloggers are also making their debut today! Check out the list of Featured Bloggers HERE!! *hint* I’M ONE OF THEM!! *hint*

We will be hosting monthly Featured Author spotlights, and moderating the panels at the event. If you're a blogger who is planning to attend Coastal Magic, the Author / Blogger Speed Dating will be open all of us!! Please contact Jennifer AFTER you've registered to be added to the list of attending bloggers.

Registration for 2015 will be $85 per person, and will include:
  • Welcome bag filled with swag and goodies
  • Access to all panels and meet & greets throughout the weekend
  • One meal (either breakfast OR lunch) on Saturday with the participating Featured Author of your choice.
  • Opportunity to participate in Supernatural LaserTag (requires additional ticket) with participating Featured Authors
  • Access to evening events (Cinema Craptastique, Author/Reader Mingle, etc)
  • Access to charity booksigning (free, open to public) on Saturday

One of the draws of Coastal Magic is that it's a relatively small event, so authors and readers are able to really interact throughout the weekend. In order to KEEP this "up close and personal" atmosphere, general registration will be capped at 225. If you'd like to attend, mark your calendars and register as soon as you're able! The Hilton Hotel reservation site is already up, you can access it, and other info HERE.

Ok, all... I think that's it for now. I can't believe we're already down to 7 MONTHS LEFT!!! See you in February!!

**P.S. - We have a Pinterest page now!!! If that's your thing... you can check it out HERE!!


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