
Feature and Giveaway: Missionary Position by Daisy Prescott

Sex? Absolutely

Love? Not my thing.

I didn't do love or butterflies, but I loved him.

I was screwed, and not in a good way.

Selah Elmore is a smart, independent woman who knows exactly who she is and what she wants. She loves her life being a professor and popular pirate erotica author. However, when she leaves the Pacific Northwest to spend six months studying sculpture in West Africa, she learns she doesn't know a thing about love.

Cocky, suit-wearing Gerhard charms her during a stopover in Amsterdam, but dashing, adventurous Kai sweeps her off her feet in Ghana.

Sparks fly on three continents when perpetually single Selah discovers there's more to love and life than she ever imagined.

Purchase: Amazon | B&N |

Gerhard paused with his glass near his mouth. “You’re an expert in naked women?”

I nodded, watching his reaction.

“Huh.” He swallowed. “Who knew such a job existed.”

His response was typical, making me laugh. “Jealous?”

“A little. My work involves no naked women. Although, sometimes there are naked breasts.” His eyes met mine.

“In banking? You mean when you take clients to strip clubs?”

“Now, now. Don’t start with your stereotypes again. Who said I was a banker?”

“I assumed.”

He smirked.

“Yes, I know. Ass-u-me. You were at the reception tonight and someone pointed you out as part of the TNG group.”

“Because I was standing with a group of bankers doesn’t mean I’m a dull number cruncher.”

I couldn’t tell if he was teasing, but I felt like an ass for putting him in a box. “So what do you do?”

“I crunch numbers.” His face remained blank for a moment, then his eyes crinkled and his lips twitched.

I smacked his arm where it lay on the bar. “You do not!”

“I do in a way, but no, not really. I work for another area at TNG.”

“One that requires you to travel.”

“Yes, in fact I leave for a conference in a few weeks. Enough blabbering about me, what are you doing in Amsterdam?”

I told him about my week here, and plans in Accra for the next six months.

His smile returned. “You’ll love Ghana. It’s Africa for beginners. Stable, peaceful, and almost everyone speaks a little English.”

“You’ve been?”

“I had an assignment there three years ago. In Accra.”

“I’ll be staying in Accra! Mostly. I want to visit the North and see some elephants.”

“You have to see the elephants. Also, eat joloff and kelewele. Watch out for the palm wine, though; it sneaks up on you.”

Tall, gorgeous, charming, worldly? Bless you, Anita, patron saint of blind dates.

“I can’t wait. I have oodles of Out of Africa fantasies running through my mind.”

“Lion hunting?” he joked.

“No, a hot alpha man washing my hair. Duh.” I rolled my eyes.

“The naked women expert dreams of being seduced in Africa? I’m sure that can be arranged.” His eyes met mine, and we locked stares for a moment. I couldn’t read him. Maybe it was a Dutch thing.

“Africa, Amsterdam. I’m easy that way.” I smirked at my own word play.

His eyes searched my face for a hint of joking. There wasn’t one.

He straightened his shirt cuffs. “You’re a funny bird.”

“I’d say so. Given I’m not a bird at all.” I smiled at him.

Before writing bestselling contemporary adult romances, I dreamed of being an author while doing a lot of other things. Antiques dealer, baker, blue ribbon pie-maker, fangirl, freelance writer, gardener, pet mom and wife are a few of the other titles I've acquired over the years.

Born and raised in San Diego, I currently lives in a real life Stars Hollow in the Boston suburbs with my husband, our dog Hubbell, and an imaginary house goat.

Missionary Position is a spin-off from my first novel, Geoducks Are for Lovers. Like my second novel, Ready to Fall, it can be read as a standalone contemporary romance/romantic comedy.

Find Daisy at:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Signed Paperback, Three Glass Bead Bracelets, $25 Gift Card + Missionary Position Swag
  • 1 Signed Paperback, Glass Bead Bracelets + Missionary Position Swag
  • 5 eBook copy of Missionary Position

To Enter: 
  • Leave a comment or question for Daisy.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Daisy Prescott & Inkslinger PR for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

Enjoy seeing the love for Daisy and her books. All of them (including the pirotica) are wonderful!

Debs Desk said...

Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway.

Cathy P said...

Hi Daisy! You are a new author for me. MISSIONARY POSITION sounds good. Thanks for the giiveaway!

Unknown said...

thank you for this giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

This is a new author to me, but I liked the blurb and the excerpt. It left me wanting to read more.

Marcy Shuler

Anonymous said...

haven't read this author before. i think I will start with this book.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Patricia P. said...

Haven't read any of your books, Daisy, but I plan to start right away!

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