
Feature and Giveaway: Red-Hot Reads

Red Hot Reads by Harlequin: BURNED by USA Today Bestselling Author Sarah Morgan, CROSSING THE LINE by NYT Bestselling Author Megan Hart, or the combo title TANGLED UP which is both BURNED and CROSSING THE LINE.

Every girl needs some self-defense. But at Fit and Physical, you'll learn martial arts and get fit at the same time. Look great, feel better and kick a little butt! Check out one-on-one personal training with our favourite karate black belt, Rosie Miller. She loves her job, the world of martial arts, and her life is just…well, brilliant.

Trainer and martial artist Rosie Miller's zen is seriously compromised when Hunter Black—her former coach and lover—becomes her new boss. With all the sexual energy still crackling between them, her poor little zen doesn't stand a chance. So this time, Rosie is determined to do more than put up self-defense. She and Hunter are going to play by her rules….

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

5 Rules for Sexy Play in the Workplace!

1. Know the company policy;—You just got an opportunity to finally snag that sweet corner office. The last thing you need is a wicked distraction….

2. Don't date your boss—Sure, Jamison Wolfe has a smile that could send a woman into instant orgasmic joy. But more important, he's your strict, control-freakish boss. Your hot, sexy, control-freakish boss.

3. Keep PDA out of the office—Okay, so you slipped up. Once. It was just the temptation of having Jamison at your complete naked mercy.

4. Prepare for the worst—This can't go anywhere. You know it, he knows it. So why stop now?

5. Be discreet—Even when it gets more intense. Even when you push every limit you both possess…

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Twice the fun…and twice the heat! New York Times bestselling author Megan Hart and USA TODAY bestselling author Sarah Morgan team up for fun and fearless tales of women who don't just cross the lines between pleasure and control…they tangle them up!

Crossing the Line by Megan Hart—Caitlyn Fox has one chance to prove to her outrageously hot—and ridiculously controlling—boss that she's got the chops to succeed. But Jamison Wolfe isn't quite what he seems. And once they cross the line between business and pleasure, Caitlyn discovers the one place where she's in control….

Burned by Sarah Morgan—Trainer and martial artist Rosie Miller's zen is seriously compromised when Hunter Black—her former coach and lover—becomes her new boss. And with all the sexual energy still crackling between them, her poor little zen doesn't stand a chance. So this time, Rosie is determined to play by her rules….

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

USA TODAY bestselling author Sarah Morgan writes hot, happy contemporary romance and her trademark humour and sensuality have gained her fans across the globe. She has been nominated three years in succession for the prestigious RITA© Award from the Romance Writers of America and has won the award twice, in 2012 and 2013. RT Book Reviews has called her 'a magician with words' and she has made numerous appearances in their 'Top Pick' slot. Sarah lives near London, and when she isn't reading or writing she loves being outdoors, preferably on vacation so she can forget the house needs tidying. She loves chatting with readers by email and on Facebook and Twitter. More information can be found on her website.

Find Sarah at:

When she was in third grade, Megan Hart fell in love for the first time. Not with a boy (that would wait until fourth grade), but with a story. Homecoming by Ray Bradbury leaped out at her from the pages of a library book, and she tumbled head over heels. In the dark ages, before the days of photocopiers, the only way for her to keep a copy of this story was to copy it out by hand so she could read it over and over again. Something funny happened, though, as she carefully printed it on lined notebook paper.

She made "improvements."

At age twelve, reading Stephen King's The Stand for the first time one memorable summer, it occurred to her that people really did write books for a living. That's when she decided to become an author.

Megan began writing short fantasy, horror and science fiction before graduating to novel-length romances. In 1998, now a stay-home mom, Megan took up writing in earnest, attending her first writing conference and getting her first request for a full manuscript. In 2002 she saw her first book in print, and she hasn't stopped since.

She's published in almost every genre of romantic fiction, including historical, contemporary, romantic suspense, romantic comedy, futuristic, fantasy and perhaps most notably, erotic. She also writes non-erotic fantasy and science fiction, as well as continuing to occasionally dabble in horror.
Megan's goal is to continue writing spicy, thrilling love stories with a twist. Her dream is to have a movie made of every one of her novels, starring herself as the heroine and Keanu Reeves as the hero. Megan lives in the deep, dark woods with her husband and two monsters…er…children.

Find Megan at:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 5 print copy of Tangled Up

To Enter: 
  • US/CA shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sarah Morgan, Megan Hart & AToMR for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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