
Guest Post with Author Elisabeth Staab and Giveaway

Meet Elisabeth Staab, author of Hunter by Night.

Elisabeth Staab still lives with her nose in a book and at least one foot in an imaginary world. She believes that all kinds of safe and sane love should be celebrated but she adores the fantasy-filled realm of paranormal romance the best. She loves to spend time with good friends, good music, good beverages, and good books (when she isn't making characters fall in love, that is). She lives with her family and one big scaredy-cat in Northern Virginia, outside of Washington DC.

Find Elisabeth at:

Five things I learned about alpha males while writing Hunter by Night

When I wrapped up the Chronicles of Yavn series, I’d written a tortured king (King of Darkness), an even more tortured virgin hero (Prince of Power). Frankly, I wasn’t so sure about coming face-to-face with this larger than life, older than the hills, human-hating alpha male. I loved my strong but sensitive guys. Sure, I loved Lee too, but that vampire was an island, and I didn’t know him the way I knew my other characters. I wasn’t sure I could do his story justice.

Well, over the months of writing Hunter by Night, we got to know each other. Boy, did we get to know each other. And as the centuries of baggage came pouring out, I learned a few things:

  • Not all alphas are assholes – I sat down to write Hunter by Night with a lot of nerves. I liked my heroes strong and confident, but I liked a guy who wasn’t afraid to show his feelings. To use his head. To me, alpha equaled a-hole, and I knew Lee was one of the good guys but I wasn’t sure I could get at his soft, squishy center. Did he have a squishy center? He did. Once I got to see the vampire underneath, I was in love, and I was able to tell his story the right way.
  • Anger isn’t about anger - For so many of us that hard outer shell masks pain and Lee was no exception. Seven hundred years of pain. Getting that pain out into the proverbial light of day—or the moonlight I suppose?—made all the difference, and it allowed my growly alpha male to finally give his heart to the woman he loved.
  • Size matters… sort of. – I’m being literal here. Lee is a huge hero in every sense. His heroine, she’s not only petite but as a human she didn’t come with those advanced vampire genetics to make her physically strong enough to be his equal. Let’s just say that when it got down to the horizontal Mambo Lee had some real fears, and it taught him that humans are stronger than they look. It also taught him that he wasn’t too old to learn new things.
  • Old vampires can learn new tricks – Lee and Alexia spent King of Darkness and Prince of power pissing each other off. In Prince of Power, Lee managed to do something that made Alexia want to kick him in the balls. In Hunter by Night, “the incident” came up again, and he managed to handle it in a new way. He even apologized, and let’s face it, Lee is hardly ever wrong. ;)
  • Sometimes surrender is necessary – Alpha males don’t back down. After all, if the baddest guy in the place backs down, he’s no longer the baddest guy in the place, is he? But sometimes the question boils down to what matters more: status, or the woman you love? Lee finally had to answer that question, as he never had before. My favorite sentence in Hunter by Night, is “Lee surrendered.”

She wants out

Party girl Alexia Blackburn is only hanging around the vampire compound until her best friend—the queen—has her baby. After that, nothing is going to stop Alexia from getting back to daylight, safety, and feeling like a normal human being. But leaving the vampire world has one big catch...
He needs her to stay

Head of vampire security Lee Goram has hated and distrusted humans for centuries. Feeding on vampire blood has kept him strong...but now it's killing him—and he's horrified to discover that Alexia may hold the key to his cure. He'd rather die defending his king than admit his weakness, but time is running out for the great vampire warrior...

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs: 
  • 1 copy of Hunter by Night

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
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erin said...

congrats to Elisabeth on the new release! Looks and sounds fabulous :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on Hunter By Night release! :) I can't wait to read about Lee and Alexia!

MsAwesome said...

Lovely cover! Can't wait to read this one =D

Anonymous said...

I like the sound of Lee with his soft, squishy center. LOL I'm looking forward to reading this book!

Marcy Shuler

Elisabeth Staab said...

Thanks so much, I hope you enjoy!

Elisabeth Staab said...

Thanks, Hannah!

Elisabeth Staab said...

I love what they did with his eyes. ;) Thanks for checking it out, and happy reading!

Elisabeth Staab said...

I hope you have fun with Lee and his squishy center. ;) I know I sure did.

Glenda said...

Hunter By Night has one of the best covers!! I have this one on my wish list!

JenM said...

I really enjoyed the other two books in this series. Looking forward to reading about Lee and Alexia.

jmcgaugh said...

Lee definitely sounds like a hero I'd fall in love with.

Angela (Angel's Book Nook) said...

Wonderful Guest Post!

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