
Interview with Author Chelsea Fine and Giveaway

Chelsea lives in Phoenix, Arizona, where she spends most of her time writing stories, painting murals, and avoiding housework at all costs. She's ridiculously bad at doing dishes and claims to be allergic to laundry. Her obsessions include: superheroes, coffee, sleeping-in, and crazy socks. She lives with her husband and two children, who graciously tolerate her inability to resist teenage drama on TV and her complete lack of skill in the kitchen.

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A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
Two broke enemies. On a scavenger hunt for money. While wearing handcuffs.

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
Heartbreak scenes. And wow, that sounds evil of me. Haha. But it’s true. For some reason, I really connect with my story/characters when I’m writing about someone’s heart breaking. Maybe because I’ve experienced heartbreak before and understand how completely debilitating having your soul yanked from your chest can be? I don’t know. But I simply love it. I’m weird.

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
Ooh. Good question! Veronica Roth, for sure. I love her writing style and think she’s brave with her characters . I’d love to ask her what it was like to write the Divergent books.

And I definitely wouldn’t mind dining with Tahereh Mafi! Her writing voice is just—ah! Incredible and distinct and moving. I would want to eat dinner with her just to sit beside her in the hopes that her brilliance might spill over onto me. Haha. But seriously.

And lastly, Plato might be fun to chat with. Is that weird? Haha. I think having a dinner conversation with the guy who wrote The Republic would just blow my mind. I’d love to pick his brain on humanity and society. I bet he was pretty fascinating.

Wow. That would be an odd crew at dinner, wouldn’t it? Veronica, Tahereh, Plato, and me. Haha. But, oh man. I’d love it!

What are you favorite types of stories to read?
I really like being swept into a completely different universe when I read, so any kind of fantasy or dystopian novel is usually my go-to when I sit down to start a new book. Which is odd, mostly because I spent the last two years writing new adult contemporary romance so…yeah. Haha. But the Shatter Me series sucked me right in, as did the Divergent books, so for me, it really just comes down to good story-telling and creative world-building, I think.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Yes! Tons! I’m working on my MG fantasy series, which is so much fun! This is my first shot at writing for a younger audience and, so far, I really love it. It’s a very colorful and imaginative world with lots of magic and mystery so it’s a total blast to write. I’m also working on a NA/YA fantasy series that I started a few years ago that’s similar to Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, but written for more of a female audience. Other than that, I’ve got a few NA contemporary book ideas I’m playing around with, as well as a follow up book/series to my Archers of Avalon trilogy. So yeah. Lots going on! :) I really love what I do.

But tell me, readers, what do YOU like to read? What genres are your current favorites? What types of stories do you search for? Funny ones? Sad ones? Suspenseful? Magical? I want to know! :)

Sometimes when perfect falls apart, a little trouble fixes everything . . .

Twenty-one-year-old Kayla Turner has lost everything. After spending most of her life taking care of her ailing mother, she just wants to spot a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. So when her late father-a man she barely knew-leaves her an inheritance, she finally breathes a sigh of relief . . . until she learns the inheritance comes with strings. Strings in the form of handsome playboy Daren Ackwood, her father's protégé. To see any of her inheritance, she's forced to team up with him. From his expensive car to those sexy dimples, Kayla's seen his type before. But Daren isn't who he seems to be . . .

Struggling to make amends for his family's mistakes, Daren has a life more Oliver Twist than Richie Rich these days. He's beyond grateful that James Turner included him in his will, but working with Turner's princess of a daughter to fulfill his cryptic last wish is making Daren wonder if being broke is really so bad. Still, she's just as beautiful as she is stubborn, and the more time he spends with Kayla, the less it feels right being without her. Soon Daren and Kayla begin to wonder if maybe the best gift Kayla's dad could have left them . . . was each other.

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Check out the Finding Fate series:

I reach Mr. Perkins’s office and quickly park before climbing out of the car in my high heels.

The inheritance really could be only twenty dollars—or less—and spending an afternoon chained to Daren Ackwood to find it could be a complete waste of time, not to mention horribly awkward given our romantic encounter last night, but it’s worth a shot. Because if it turns out to be a substantial amount of money, everything could change.

Not only could I go back to nursing school, but I could afford a decent apartment and buy myself some time to find a new job—one where my boss isn’t demanding I work for free or flash him in order to pay off my mother’s debt.

Ugh. My life can really only go uphill from where I’m at.

I know money can’t buy happiness, and I believe that. But it would be nice to be out from under Big Joe’s threatening thumb. And sleeping in a cockroach-free apartment while eating regular hot meals wouldn’t be bad either.

I hurry down the sidewalk toward Mr. Perkins’s office, tripping a little in my shoes. Maybe wearing the skirt and heels again wasn’t such a great idea. But I wanted to look professional and responsible, and the gray dress is too hot and the only other pair of shoes I own are my beat-up sneakers from last night. I didn’t think a pencil skirt and a pair of dirty sneakers really said I can be trusted with my deceased father’s money. So I went with the pumps.

I wobble as my shoe catches on a small pebble and curse under my breath.

High heels really are a bitch.

Up ahead, I see Daren round a corner and hurry toward the office, now just a few yards down the sidewalk. I relax a little, knowing he’s not there yet. As we near each other, my stomach fills with butterflies. I don’t know what I’m more anxious about—the inheritance or seeing Daren.

We reach Eddie’s door at the same time.

“Good morning.” He smiles broadly.

“Morning,” I respond with a cheerful smile of my own.

Our smiles are exaggerated, like we’re trying to prove just how “okay” we are with the thing that never happened last night. Then our eyes meet in brief a clash of lust, and tension fills the air.

Daren is the first to break it. “So. You ready to do this?”

“I am,” I say.

The tension returns, but this time it’s laced with nervousness. We’re about to lock ourselves together. For money. The morning after we dry humped each other against a bar. It’s nothing less than weird and desperate. Which begs the question, why is Daren doing this?

I know why I’m subjecting myself to this craziness but I’m still not sure why Daren has agreed—especially without knowing how much money is at stake. Is he in it for the thrill? Is he just bored?

Whatever his reasons are, I’m grateful.

We enter the office and Eddie looks up from his messy desk, his glasses perched on his shiny head. Today he’s wearing a yellow button-up shirt with a plaid bow tie to match his plaid pants. The look suits him.

“You’ve returned,” he says brightly, standing to greet us. “I guess this means you’ve come to a decision about Mr. Turner’s letter?”

“We have,” I say.

Daren nods. “Yes.”

“Excellent.” Eddie clasps his hands together. “What have you decided?”

Daren and I exchange an anxious look. My stomach does a flip-flop, afraid he’s going to change his mind, but then he gives me a subtle nod and I nod back.

We turn to face Eddie, hold out our wrists, and at the same time say, “Cuff us.”

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 10 eBook copies of Perfect Kind of Trouble

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Chelsea's question: What do YOU like to read? What genres are your current favorites? What types of stories do you search for?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Forever Romance for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Marcy Meyer said...

I only read romance. Contemporary, New Adult and Erotic are my favorites, but I also like historical romance and romantic suspense. I love first love stories and best friends to lovers themes.

Sue G. said...

I read romance, as long as there is a happy ending. I read all types: contemporary, historical, erotic.

Sandy Kenny said...

I am currently reading a lot of Contemporary romance...I love reading stories that have a lot of interesting characters and I tend to like reading books that are in a series.

Anonymous said...

Historical, contemporary, action, adventure, most of it romance, but I have been searching out paranormal romance specifically shifter stories.

Unknown said...

My favorite read is contemporary romance. I enjoy searching for new to me authors for a good selection of books to read.

heatherzilla said...

I read several books a week. I go through cycles - contemporary, new adult, YA, historical, PNR/UF. Right now, I am reading a lot of contemporary/new adult.

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