
Review: Ex-Factor by Elisa Dane

Ex-Factor is the first book in Elisa Dane's Young Adult Diamond Girls series. This one was an enjoyable quick and easy read. It definitely felt like a YA book all the way through, and had characters that acted their age. If you are a fan of young adult or new adult books you might give this one a shot. But if you are looking for a romance with older and more mature characters, this story probably isn't for you. I thought that this was a good start to the series, and even though the characters were often times immature I did like this story. 

After suffering through several tragedies, Nevaeh moves in with her aunt and her cousin. She tries to lay low and blend in as much as possible at her new school, but is instantly drawn into the middle of a bunch of drama. She has a run-in with the popular mean girls, she is constantly hit on by her first new friend's sort of boyfriend, and the guy she likes and wants wants nothing to do with her and constantly glares at her. Not wanting to upset her aunt and cousin, she agrees to try out for the elite X-Factor cheer squad. She feels a ton of guilt for experiencing any kind of joy or happiness though and struggles with how to move forward with her life. When things suddenly change between her and Brodie the guy she likes, she begins to realize that there is more to him than she first knew. Not only does he not hate her, but she finds that they have a lot more in common than she thought. When Brodie and Nev begin their relationship and see patterns from their past starting to repeat themselves, they will do anything to stop it from happening again.

I liked Brodie and Nevaeh. I thought that they were good characters that were easy to like. They definitely acted their age and were immature at times, but honestly that didn't bother me. I expected going into this one that they would act young because they were high school kids. I think that they also showed maturity and kindness at times that was unexpected. Brodie and Nev had both been through so much and they were able to connect on so many levels because of that. They were able to lean on each other and grow as individuals and a couple because of having the other's support. I thought that they made a great couple and were really cute together. It was good to see that they got along so well and that the beginning of their relationship wasn't as Nev had first thought. I did think that their feelings happened way too quickly and the change from hardly speaking to being together was a bit too insta-love. But I think that part of that was again due to age, and heightened emotions and hormones.

Overall, this was a good book that was a quick one to read. I did like the characters and I found the story interesting. It wasn't one that I couldn't put down, but it did hold my attention and I enjoyed the story. I think it was a good start to the series, and I am interested to read more in the series. I do think that this one was predictable and that it was similar to other stories out there. But it was cute and I did like the author's writing style. I am interested to read more in this series and see what else Elisa Dane has in store next. I think this one is worth a shot if you take into account the age of the characters and are okay with a romance between teens. If you are looking for something more deep and mature though, I would say this one might not be for you.

**Review Copy Provided by Author**

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