
Review: Fight by Clarissa Wild

 Fight is a short prequel in the Fierce series by Clarissa Wild. This story can be read at any point in the series. Even though this story was really short, I thought it was a great way to start off this series. It packs a lot of information in such a short amount of pages. We get to meet Autumn and also her friends Brody and Evie. The story starts with showing Autumn and Brody at a young age. Autumn is bullied from the start and is constantly made fun of. She seeks comfort with Brody. But when Brody heads off to college she feels truly alone. She meets Evie, and they bond over the fact that they are both loners that suffer from bullies. Just when Autumn finally finds another friend and things start looking up, her family receives some devastating news.

I really enjoyed this story and getting to see everything that Autumn had been dealing with. I felt so bad for her because of everything that she was going through not only at school but also at home. This poor girl just couldn't catch a break! I really liked Evie and Brody though, and I am excited to get more of all these characters. I also really loved that Autumn had received a note telling her that she deserved more than what she was putting up with from the bullies, and I think it really helped her turn things around. This was a great introduction to this series, and I look forward to reading Fierce.

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