
ARC Review: A Beautiful Thought by Alicia Rae

A Beautiful Thought is the fifth book in Alicia Rae's Beautiful series, and I have loved every single book so far. I have been anxiously awaiting this one because I absolutely loved Damon right from the start. Seeing him through the previous books really drew me to his character and I have wanted to get to know him better and see him get his HEA. This book was every bit as good as the rest of the books in this series, and I always end each book feeling happy. Alicia Rae is a fantastic writer, and I adore her characters. This book can be read as a standalone and you do not need to have read the previous books, but I would highly recommend reading them all because they are so good and it is really great to see how the characters are all connected.

When Gail's hours at work are cut back, it becomes hard for her to fulfill her financial commitments while also helping her parents provide for her autistic sister. Gail's best friend Abbey comes up with a great solution to help her lessen the financial strain. Abbey suggests that Gail ask Abbey's fiance's brother Damon to move in as a roommate and help her split the bills. Damon has just started a business with Kyle and Jason, and is looking for a place temporarily while he decides if he should relocate permanently. Damon and Gail are attracted to each other from the first moment that they meet, and both are unsure how living together will work. But they decide to give it a try. Soon they are getting to know one another better and are finding it hard to avoid the connection and attraction between them. They decide to see what is between them, and before long are falling for one another. But with Damon still not decided on if he will live there permanently and with the possibility of a job on the other side of the country, the future of their relationship is uncertain. Damon and Gail will have to make the choice of if their future together is worth making a sacrifice in his career, or is it possible to figure out a way to have it all?

I really loved Damon. He has been great from the beginning of this series, and I really loved his relationship with his brothers and his cousin Lily. But it was really nice to see a whole other side to him in this book, and to finally get to know him better. He was sweet and thoughtful, and I really liked how great he was with Gail and her family. He seemed to be interested in her from the start and didn't have a ton of commitment issues which I really enjoyed. He was open to meeting her family and helping them in any way that he could, even when Gail tried to fight him on it. I also really liked Gail. She was so dedicated to her family and those that she loved, and she was willing to do whatever it took to help them out. She worked so hard, and she didn't ask for anything in return. She also didn't feel like helping those around her was an obligation, and it made me like her so much more because she genuinely just wanted to help despite getting nothing back. I liked seeing her open up to Damon, and give him a chance after having been hurt in the past. It was really nice to see her take the risk because of her feelings and the connection between them. I thought that they had great chemistry, and they also were just a really great match for each other.

Overall, I really loved this book. I think that this series is a must read, and I would definitely start at the beginning even though it isn't necessary. To me, these books are ones that pretty much anyone can relate to and I think it is because of the fantastic characters. Alicia Rae has a way of bringing these unique and deep characters to life and making them likable and extremely personable. I love her writing style, and each book I have read of hers is always well written. I do think that this book had the relationship develop a bit quickly, but honestly it still felt real to me. I could see the attraction between Gail and Damon, but I also felt like they were developing a strong emotional bond as well. If you haven't read this series yet, you are definitely missing out. I can't wait to read more from Alicia Rae in the future, and look forward to seeing what she writes next!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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