
ARC Review: Full Exposure by Sara Jane Stone

Full Exposure is the first book in the Independence Falls series by Sara Jane Stone. It is also the first book that I have ever read by her, but it definitely won't be my last. I really enjoyed this story, and I thought that it was well written. The characters were interesting and easy to relate to. This book was a great quick and easy read, and I thought that the story was different from others that I have read before.

After returning from serving her country, Georgia takes a job working for her brother's best friend as his nanny. She has always had a thing for Eric, and now she will do anything to have him. She seeks anything she can to give her a rush of adrenaline and to show her that she is still alive. She has been jumping out of planes and seeking thrills wherever she can, and she knows that sex with Eric would be another earth-shattering adventure. But Eric refuses to touch her and although she can see the desire in his eyes has never acted on anything he feels for her. After losing his sister in a horrible accident, Eric took in his nephew Nate and is focused on making him his top priority. When his best friend asks him to give his little sister a job, Eric can't help but agree. But Georgia is determined to take their friendship to the next level no matter how many times Eric tries to avoid crossing the line. But the more time they spend together, the more Eric realizes that Georgia is not the same girl she once was, and he refuses to be just another thrill for her. Can Eric and Georgia figure out a way to get over her past and the obstacle of her brother, as well as provide a stable relationship for Nate? Or will there just be too many things keeping them from pursuing a future together?

I really liked Georgia. She was strong and smart, and a great role model. She was proof that women can do great things and achieve success in men dominated professions. I loved that she was a soldier and that she wasn't afraid to put herself in tough situations. She also was able to come home and be a nanny for Nate while providing him with all the care and tenderness that he needed. She was determined to be a stable fixture in his life regardless of what happened with Eric, and I was glad to see her try so hard to give him everything that she could because she loved him and cared for him beyond her feelings for Eric. Eric was great as well. He was very sweet and caring, and he was so adorable with Nate. He put him first and made him his priority, but he also was always there for him whenever he needed Eric. I thought it was so cute that he would help Nate chase the bears away and that he never once lost his patience with him and loved him unconditionally. He loved him as a son and not just as a nephew. He was great with Georgia also, and seemed to always be thinking of her needs as well. He tried to make sure that she felt comfortable and wasn't put into situations that bothered her. But he also gave her someone to talk to and a shoulder to lean on. He didn't push or nag her, but he encouraged her to open up to him and trust that she could tell him anything. These two had a lot of chemistry, but it was their history and emotional connection that really had me invested in their story.

I will say that I thought that the push and pull with the couple got a little old after awhile. I didn't understand why Eric felt so strongly that he couldn't touch her and that anything between them would be wrong. I understand that she was vulnerable and that she was dealing with issues, but they were both adults and what they had between them wasn't unhealthy in any way that I could see. I felt like Eric would run cold and Georgia would run hot one minute and then in the next that would completely flip. I just wanted to smack them both a few times and tell them to talk to each other and act like adults. I kept waiting for them to wake up a bit and I would have liked to have seen that happen a bit sooner, but I was glad that they were finally able to admit their feelings and that they wanted to be together. I really did enjoy this book, and I would definitely recommend this one to Contemporary fans. I liked the twist on Georgia being the soldier instead of the hero, and I thought that the characters were written really well. They were deep and interesting, and they seemed so real to me. I will definitely look for more from Sara Jane Stone in the future, and I can't wait to read Georgia's brother Liam's story next.

**ARC Provided by Edelweiss**

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Anonymous said...

I've seen blurbs about this story and I've been thinking that it might be something I'd like to check out. Love the thought of the woman being the soldier and the guy the stay at home parent. Unfortunately, my brothers were both WAYYY younger than me. No way would I have had crushes on any of their friends. ;-)

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