
ARC Review: Harder by Robin York

Harder by Robin York is part 2 of Caroline and West's story. This is not a standalone, and should only be read after Deeper as it is a continuation of the first book. I have been dying for this one since the second that I finished Deeper. I absolutely loved Caroline and West, and it killed me the way things were left between them. I needed to know what happened next for them, and I couldn't get my hands on this book soon enough. This book was really good, but its honestly hard to put into words everything that it left me feeling. This book was an absolute journey, and not all the parts were easy to get through.

Harder picks up after West has returned to Silt, Oregon and left her behind. She still dreams about him and wishes that they were together. She hasn't spoken to him in months, but after tragedy hits his family she receives a call from him out of the blue. Without thinking twice about it, Caroline heads to Silt to be there for West and give him her support. But when she arrives she immediately sees that this West is different than the West she knew and loved. This West is darker and filled with anger. West does everything he can to push Caroline away, but she is determined to show him that she is there for him. As Caroline continues to try with West, she is also dealing with the suit against her ex Nate. Can Caroline and West make it through the struggle and find their way back to one another?

I cannot even tell you how much I love Caroline and West. I could see just how much both of these characters were struggling through this book, and it killed me to see them going through so much. Caroline was doing everything she could and at times West just broke my heart. I felt bad for him, but I also really wanted to scream at him. He was so stubborn and refused to see that Caroline was what he needed. The worst part was that he never stopped loving her or wanting her, but yet he continued to push her away. I was so glad that Caroline didn't make it easy on him though and made him see what he was doing and that she loved him regardless. She never gave up, and I loved her even more for it. Caroline had been through so much herself and was continuing to have to deal with her painful past. Yet she was a strong role model for Frankie and she was so good with West all at the same time. Caroline is just one of those heroines that you can't help but love and admire. The chemistry and connection between West and Caroline was as strong as ever, and it was so clear that these two belonged together.

Overall, I thought that this book was fantastic. I am so greedy when it comes to these characters and their story though, and I will admit that I was absolutely not ready for this book to be over. I need more Caroline and West. I grew really attached to them and I was invested in their story from the start. Their journey was beautiful and unique, and yet it was heartbreaking at times. The first half of this book was a struggle to get through. Not because it wasn't well written, or true to the characters. But because you just hate to see these characters that you have come to know and love going through such an awful time. This book definitely left me an emotional wreck, and I just kept hoping that things had to get better soon. I had faith that things would be okay for them, because I knew in my heart that these two absolutely belonged together and deserved their HEA after everything that they had been through. I can't even tell you enough why this book is a must read. It is so good, it is well written, and it will definitely bring out all sorts of feelings. This New Adult series is one that I honestly cannot recommend enough. These books are captivating and emotional, and they are some of the best I have ever read. If you haven't read Deeper or Harder, I highly suggest that you pick them up right away. I honestly cannot wait to read more from Robin York in the future, and I know that Caroline and West will always stick with me and be some of my favorites forever.

**ARC Provided by Random House Publishing**

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