
ARC Review: Pick Me by Erika Marks

Pick Me is the third book in the Magnolia Bay series and is written by Erika Marks. This short and sweet novella can be read as a stand alone, and was easy for me to get into without having read the previous 2 stories in the series. I really enjoyed Thea and Calder's story, and I can't wait to read more in this series. 

After having been dumped by her boyfriend of 3 years, Thea Dunn heads to her hometown for a 2 week vacation. She never expects the neighbor next door to be the sexy bad boy that rescued her on prom night fourteen years ago. Calder Frye still has his motorcycle, but he is also now a handsome doctor that never stays in one area for long. He always regretted not kissing Thea on the night they skipped prom. With her staying next door, he decides now is his chance. Can Thea and Calder turn their teenage fantasy into reality? Or will they find that the fantasy was better than the real thing?

I really liked Calder and Thea. I loved that Calder had gone from the mysterious and sexy bad boy in high school to the handsome and sweet doctor committed to doing good. He wasn't a total womanizer and I really thought it was great that even though he only did casual before that he wasn't the stereotypical single guy out to see how many women he could go through. He was a good guy and was just trying to do the best he could while also being there for his family and enjoying his career. Thea was great as well. She was successful and driven, and I love that she knew she wanted to be a lawyer in high school and made it happen. She enjoyed her career and was happy with her life, and she was really close with her sisters. I liked how they were able to give each other a hard time, but that they were always there for each other. I thought that Thea was confused when it came to her love life though, and it took her quite awhile to realize that her ex was wrong for her. It was nice to see her getting to know Calder again and how they had both changed over the years. I thought that they had great chemistry together, but they were also a great pair that seemed to work really well together. Calder and Thea were really sweet together and I liked that they had such an easy and natural relationship.

Overall, I think that this book was really cute and I loved losing myself in this sweet story. It was short but I found it to be real and believable. I liked the secondary characters a lot, and even though at first I disliked Calder's brother Pete it was good to see him make progress over the course of the book. I would definitely recommend this book to contemporary fans that are looking for something that can be read quickly and will leave them feeling happy and satisfied. Pick Me was really enjoyable, and I look forward to reading more from Erika Marks in the future.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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