
ARC Review: Release by Elizabeth Dunk

Release is the first book that I have read by Elizabeth Dunk and I have never read anything like it before. I have been reading a lot of NA and Contemporaries lately, so when I saw that this was Erotica but with a paranormal twist I had to read it. I can honestly say that this book was completely unique, and I really enjoyed reading it. I am so glad that I took the chance on this one, and I think that this book will appeal to paranormal readers as well as fans of erotica.

Release is the compilation of four different stories, detailing the four ladies and four spirits that help them on their way to sexual satisfaction. Cursed after death to live in a gray world of nothing, the four spirits must atone for their sins in order to move on. The four brothers quickly find that simply helping is not enough and that they need to ensure the women's happiness by allowing them to fully embrace their sexual natures. In the first story Believing, Luisa has just moved into her new house and uses the spirit of the house to help her realize her sensual nature. She quickly makes plans for her house and goes about making her new home an environment to achieve the passion and desire she dreams about. In Live and Let Go, Anna is grieving for the husband that she lost but also the only person that has ever satisfied her physically. The spirit of the beach helps her realize that she can find satisfaction with another if she is open to the possibility of it. Truth in Action is the story of Cara and begins with her wanting revenge after her ex told her she was fat and boring in bed. The spirit of the field helps her see that she is anything but boring and that she should take the chance on living out her greatest fantasy. With his help, she embraces her bisexuality and finally sees what it is like to be with a woman as well as a man. In the final story, Forgiven and Freed, the spirit of the office gets some help of his own from Jan. He finally is able to help his brothers move on after Jan is able to show him that he is different from who he was in the past. With all the brothers having helped the women, they are finally able to move forward and continue the help that they have been giving to those in need.

I really liked these characters. They were each different and had their own issues to deal with. It was great to see the spirits moving forward all while helping the women that needed to deal with issues of their own. I liked all the spirits and thought that they did a great job at making the women feel beautiful and desired. The women were easy to like and relate to, and it was good to see them leave their pasts behind and embrace their futures. I thought that this book was filled with steam and heat, and the chemistry between the characters was really well done. This one was sexy without being over the top, and I really felt the feelings and attraction between each of them.

Overall, this book was really good. I liked that it was so different from anything that I have read before, and it was a great erotic read with a bit of paranormal. I liked that it wasn't the normal paranormal shifters, vampires, or werewolves. It was interesting to see real characters interacting with spirits and then reintegrating themselves into real life with their new found confidence. I really liked all four stories, but I think Luisa and Anna's were my favorites. I really loved their spirits and the women themselves. I would definitely recommend that you give this one a shot if you are looking for something different. The four novellas come together really well, and I loved how cohesive everything was. Elizabeth Dunk did a fantastic job of tying everything together and I cannot wait to read more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Escape Publishing**

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