
ARC Review: Unwritten by Chelsea M. Cameron

I have become a fan of Chelsea M. Cameron's after reading a few of her books now, and I was really excited to read Unwritten. I really liked the blurb and cover, and I couldn't wait to read about a librarian and author heroine. This book was really good, and I really enjoyed the story. While it had the same writing style I have come to know and love from Chelsea M. Cameron, this one had a different feel to it than other stories of hers that I have read. I really liked how fresh and different this story was, and I couldn't put it down.

Blair Walton is a tattooed children's librarian by day and one half of the romance writing duo that goes by the pen name of Scarlet Rose at night. Her writing partner is her best friend Raine, and the only people that know their identity are a select few in the industry. When they start struggling to complete their latest deadline, Raine suggests that Blair ask the sexy dad of one of the kids from the library out on a date. She thinks that the sexy Brit could be just the one to use for research and help them finish their story faster. Blair disagrees at first, but finds it harder to deny that she wants to be with Declan. When Declan asks her out on a date, Blair agrees and they instantly hit it off. Blair decides to keep seeing him but refuses to use anything from their relationship for their book. Soon things are heating up between them, but Blair isn't the only one that has been keeping secrets.

I really loved Declan. He was really sweet and he was so open and honest about how their relationship was. He didn't let Blair think that things were more serious than they were, and I was really glad that he didn't lead her on. Declan was also a great father, and he was so cute with Drake. I loved their relationship, and it was clear how much he loved him and was committed to making him his top priority. Declan was also really smart, and I was really amazed how he was able to balance work with classes and being a single father. I have to say that the way he was always there for Blair and how he got her books with flower names instead of flowers was absolutely perfect. He really knew her and did a great job showing her that she was special. Blair was a great heroine, and I loved that she was so unique from any other characters that I have read before. She was true to herself and didn't let others or their opinions dictate any part of her life. I liked her a lot, and she was just one of those cool chicks that you would want to hang out with. I thought that Blair and Declan had great chemistry and worked together really well. But I loved their emotional connection the most and the best part was how much Blair also cared about Declan's son Drake. She loved him right off and she didn't even have to try and like him or make him fit in.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was definitely one of my favorites of Chelsea's and I really recommend this one. I did have a few issues with this book, and that is the only reason this one wasn't a five star read for me. I felt the ending was a bit rushed and abrupt, and I would have liked more. I also felt like the majority of this book focused on Raine and Blair's writing and the stuff going on in Blair's life rather than Declan and Blair's relationship. I wish that we would have seen a bit more of them together and how their feelings were developing. I also thought that while their was definite heat and attraction between them, this one didn't have the amount of steam that Chelsea's books usually do. Most of their physical activity was alluded to or faded to black, and I would have loved to have got more of that too. I still think that this book was really great despite those things though, and I just loved Declan, Blair and Drake. This one is a must read for Chelsea's fans and I think that contemporary fans will also really enjoy the story. This one had NA aged characters, but I really felt like they were more mature and acted beyond their years. This book is hard to really put in just one genre, and I think that romance fans should definitely give it a shot. I look forward to reading more from Chelsea in the future and can't wait to see what she writes next.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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