
Audiobook Review: Lord of Wicked Intentions by Lorraine Heath, Narrated by Faye Adele

This was my first audiobook so I wanted to have a good experience. I love Lorraine Heath and think that she is a phenomenal story-teller. I always stayed away from audio books because I thought that it would take away from the story. I was wrong! I absolutely loved it! I loved that I can listen to a story while working, cleaning, cooking etc…

The narrator Faye Adele was fantastic. She knew just when to intonate her voice and how to make the characters seem real! The music playing in the background added to the ambiance.

Let’s get to the story. This has to go down as one of my all -time favorite historical romance. This book, Lord of Wicked Intentions along with Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypass, Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase and The Viscount Who Loved my by Julia Quinn. What an amazing love story!! There were moments I held my heart aching for these two beautiful people who felt unworthy of love. I read the first book in the series but have not gotten around to reading the second, that will change quickly!

Lord Rafe Easton is a tormented soul. Much of his past has clouded the way for his present state and really, rightly so. For anyone that has not read the previous to books in “The Lost Lords of Pembrook” series, Rafe’s uncle arranged to have his father, his two older brothers and him killed just so he could inherit the Dukedom that would be Sebastian’s (the older brother). Sebastian had no choice but to separate and all three brothers were sent in different directions. Rafe worked as a street boy, he worked in the coal mines, he worked for a street hussler, etc… All this until he finally turned his own luck around and won a gaming hall which made him a very rich man and a residence as well. Rafe is emotionally shut-off. He doesn’t want a relationship with his brothers or anyone. He still has phobias that torment him. One night he pays a visit to a man that owes him a large amount of money and he meets Evelyn or Evie, as she is later called.

Evie is the illegitimate daughter of an earl who has just died. Her half-brother is entrusted with taking care of her but he has very different intentions. Evie’s half-brother decides he is going to “sell” her to the top men in society and make a profit off of her. Rafe is not one of the men invited he just happens to come along during this time. When Evie and Rafe meet sparks fly. Rafe is very rough around the edges. He has no care for anyone or anything and Evie is very affronted by Rafe but Evie doesn’t really understand the real purpose of the meeting. She thinks that these are potential suitors.

Despite Rafe’s indifferent to everything he can’t stand the idea of knowing Evie will become a mistress to any of these men. He decides that she will become his mistress instead! Rafe was such a complex character. He was all heart and soul but he masked it behind his rough exterior. He really went to extremes for Evie. She became everything to him. There were moments I just wanted to cry because he was so incredibly caring although he hid it form her! At first I thought Evie was too weak and naive but she really wasn’t. She had been sheltered most of her life but that quickly turned around when her circumstances became clear to her. Evie was the perfect person for Rafe and him for her. This is one of my all- time favorite stories. I highly loved it, enjoyed it and will re-read it. This story stayed with me.

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Anonymous said...

I never thought that I would like audiobooks either, but my eye sight is getting worse and when there was a sale on the Outlander books on Audible several years ago, I bought them all. I have so many audio books at this point, it is embarrassing. I no sooner finish one, then I have loaded another. I have jumped in with both feet! Congrats on your new discovery!

booknerd said...

thanks! I hope you enjoy your audiobooks!

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