
Feature and Giveaway: Cheating Justice by Misty Evans and Adrienne Giordano

The second novel in the exciting and bestselling Justice Team romantic suspense series!!

While investigating a government cover-up, former FBI agent Mitch Monroe is framed for murder. A wanted man, Mitch has no choice but to stay off the grid, and he needs Special Agent Caroline Foster—the FBI’s top sniper and a woman who wants nothing to do with him—to clear his name.

After sharing a single night of simmering passion with Mitch a year ago, Caroline hasn’t been able to get him out of her head. Or her heart. He's jeopardized her job once…helping him now could end her career. But a friend has been murdered, and no matter how Caroline feels about Mitch, he's not the killer. She needs answers, and she needs Mitch Monroe out of her life once and for all.

On the run and with no one to turn to, Mitch and Caroline can’t fight the reigniting passion between them. She’ll lose her career if she proves Mitch is innocent…he’ll lose his life if she doesn’t.

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Check out the Justice Team series:

“I always said you had the best ass in the FBI.”

Her body froze. Eleven months, five days and—she did the math—twelve hours had passed since she’d heard that voice. The one she’d thought about time and again after his last brief visit to her apartment, and she still managed to be equal parts pissed off, concerned and flat-out heartbroken. That voice could only belong to one person. Thus the remark about her ass and—wow—she always knew he had a set of stones, but this was too much even for Mitch Monroe. The man she’d spent all these months trying to forget. Months of burying herself in cases, months of begging her boss for every available opportunity to keep her mind occupied, months of a busy life that didn’t allow for downtime.

Or thoughts of Mitch.

Without turning, she picked up her weapon. “Well, look what the cat dragged in. A girl puts her career on the line for you and you don’t call, you don’t write, nothing. To say the least, your technique needs work.”

And then he laughed. She’d waited months to hit him with that line and he laughed. Classic Mitch. She closed her eyes and—forget that he was a federal fugitive now wanted for murder—she’d kill him herself and be done with the whole affair.

Mitch, a murderer? She couldn’t believe it. No matter what the White House was spinning about Kemp Rodgers’ death, Mitch wouldn’t kill his friend.

Then, again, she’d been Mitch’s friend once…

Finally, she turned, bracing herself for whatever disguise might greet her, but found none. Brave.

As usual.

She took in his long brown hair pulled back in a low ponytail, his dark eyes and ripped jeans, and shook her head. “You’re insane for coming here.”

He shrugged. “It’s a private range. Not like I walked into Quantico.”

It wasn’t enough that he’d almost destroyed her career when he’d first started working The Lion case, now he wanted to have a second go at it. He was a fugitive wanted for murder and she was an FBI agent. She should arrest him.

Yet, she stood waiting for him to say something that would make a damned difference. I’m sorry? I didn’t do it? Anything that would erase the idea that he could have murdered his friend.

She set her rifle on the table behind her, slid the bolt open. Not loaded. She knew it wasn’t, but she checked anyway. Always.

Mitch shuffled behind her.

Too bad. He could wait like she’d waited for him all these months.

Her canvas carry case sat on the bench seat. Like many people, she preferred canvas over hard plastic because the softer material didn’t make the rifle sweat. She dug through the case for her lens covers, popped them on, set the rifle into the case—bolt upward—and zipped it.

She’d clean the rifle later. For her, keeping a weapon in top working order meant cleaning it after every use. Even if only one shot had been fired, her weapons got cleaned. Every time.

She sensed Mitch moving closer, stirring the air around her, upsetting the energy, letting her know he was near. He had that way about him. Sometimes good, sometimes not.

“I need your help.”

Of course he did. Should have known. Radio silence for eleven months and now he wanted her help. “I should shoot you and dump your body in the Reflecting Pool.”

“Yeah, you should.”

She spun and—crack!—smacked him, sending his head sideways and making her hand sting. She’d never physically attacked anyone before and she couldn’t say it felt right or just, but unleashing it felt good. To let him know he’d hurt her. “We were friends. I helped you and you disregarded me.”

“Disregarded you?” Mitch slid a hand over his cheek. “I’ve stayed away and I’m sorry. But what, Caroline? You want to do lunch or hit the shooting range with me? A guy wanted for assaulting your boss and now a federal fugitive?” Gently, he knocked on her head. “Think about it. I was protecting you.”

She didn’t need his protection. “I’m mad at you.”

“Atta girl.”

God, he was annoying. “You had a good reason to take a swing at Donaldson when he threatened you during The Lion case, but honest to God, Mitch, I think he should have swung back and ended it right there instead of trying to throw you in jail. But you should have manned up and never run from the charges, so whatever this is, I can’t help you.”

“Tommy Nusco.”

“You murdered him, too?”

Surprisingly, he blanched. “I didn’t kill anyone. I need to know what went down with Tommy.”

Oh, please. He really had lost his mind if he thought she’d touch that subject. That involved ATF and the State of New Mexico and she wasn’t about to step into that snake pit. “You better worry about what went down with Kemp Rodgers and why the White House is after you. Turn yourself in, Mitch.”

“Kemp told me the White House is buzzing about Executive Privilege being invoked on Tommy’s case. A few hours later, he’s dead. Put two and two together, Caroline. There’s a cover-up in the works and what happened to Tommy is at the heart of it.”

She faced him, still hating that he stood a good six inches taller and managed to make her feel small. She folded her arms and stepped forward, got right into his space. “No.”

“Whatever they’re concocting about Tommy is bullshit.”

“I don’t know that.”

“Yeah, you do. When we all worked together, we hung out. You knew him.”

“Not that well.”

He rolled his eyes in that typical I’m-Mitch-Monroe-and-I’m-bored way of his. “He was not dirty. Whatever he was doing, the government is letting a dead agent take the heat. Why not? He’s dead anyway. Doesn’t matter that he was a decorated officer. The government obviously needs to clean up a mess and—” he inched closer, tilted his head and stared right into her eyes “—I know all about how the government cleans up a mess.”

Back away. She should, but that would play into what he wanted. He wanted to control this conversation. His looming presence used to be enough that she’d give him that control.

Not this time.

She tilted her head the opposite direction, eased out a half-smile. “Mitch?”


“Screw you.”

She turned her back to him and scooped up her rifle case. Right now, she needed to walk away and not let him talk her into something that would wreck her career.

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Misty Evans has published over twenty novels and writes romantic suspense, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance. As a writing coach, she helps other authors bring their books – and their dreams of being published – to life.

Misty likes her coffee black, her conspiracy stories juicy, and her wicked characters dressed in couture. When not reading or writing, she enjoys music, movies, and hanging out with her husband, twin sons, and two spoiled puppies. Learn more and sign up for her newsletter at

Find Misty at:

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Adrienne Giordano writes romantic suspense and mystery. She is a Jersey girl at heart, but now lives in the Midwest with her workaholic husband, sports obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaten Terrorist (Terrier). She is a co-founder of Romance University blog and Lady Jane's Salon-Naperville, a reading series dedicated to romantic fiction. For information on Adrienne’s street team, Dangerous Darlings, go to

Find Adrienne at:

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Amazon Gift Card + Swag Pack

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  • Please leave a comment or question for Misty and Adrienne.
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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Misty Evans & Adrienne Giordano for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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MrsMac19 said...

My brothers and I constantly blamed each other for our transgressions, though nothing major! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

Anonymous said...

When I was in second grade, someone lied to the teacher that I put her in a headlock. It's the only time I ever had detention in school, and I was framed!

Thank you so much for the post and giveaway! Fingers crossed. :-)

May said...

I am the middle child so I get blamed for everything when I was a child.

kathy p said...

As I of 5 kids there are too many times to count!

erin said...

When I was very little, I was my older brother's stooge. If he wanted to see if something would get him in trouble, he'd have me do it! It got to the point that when I got caught, my mom would ask me if my brother told me to do it. Then we'd both get into trouble, him for being the mastermind and me for not saying no! This sounds awesome! Thanks for the fun post and spotlight!

Rita Wray said...

When I was growing up with two brothers and two sisters I would get the blame for things quite often.

Jan Hougland said...

I'm so glad to "meet" you, Misty, as romantic suspense is my fave reading habit. I've even been known to delve into the paranormal to get my romance fix. :-) I already am familiar with Adrienne's writing (which I also love) and am glad to add your name to my TBR list and pile. In fact, I already own Stealing Justice but have to wait a bit before reading it due to conflicting promised-to-reads. And yes, I got blamed for a lot of mischief when I was growing up as my younger sister and brother dearly loved getting into hot water and blaming me since I was supposed to be watching over them. And I got blamed a time or two at work for things I did not do. Spiteful other legal secretaries knew how to cover their behinds while shoving the blame onto others who were quiet and didn't gossip. Thanks so much for this post and the introduction to your writing, Misty.

Sandy Swanger Bartles said...

When I was a young girl, my stepsister told my stepmother that I was going to kick her, my stepmother and stepbrother out of the house. Such a mess came out of this that my father had to come home from work to handle it.

Sandy Swanger Bartles said...

When I was a young girl, my stepsister told my stepmother that I was going to kick her, my stepmother and stepbrother out of the house. This escalated so much that my father had to come home from work to handle it.

Jess1 said...

Years ago, my sister blamed me for problems that she was having with Mom.

Anonymous said...

When I was 6, we lived in a trailer park. One day, the 2 year old who lived next door was trying to take off her diaper outside behind the homes. I had stopped and tried to pull them back up on her. One of the neighbors went to our mothers and said that I was being nasty and trying to take the diaper off. Really sad for such an ugly accusation for two such small children.

cait045 said...

When I was little my sister and I did it to each other all the time. "It was my fault" was our favorite line

Mary Preston said...

That's what older sisters do sometimes. Nothing major though.

Martha Lawson said...

nothing that I can think of!

Unknown said...

One time my sister hit a car with a ball and she blamed it on me. I was super angry with her LOL.

Laney4 said...

Nothing specific can be remembered. Usual stuff between siblings (where we all got in trouble, though!).

Filia Oktarina said...

Nothing i can remember.

Maureen said...

My husband always insists he has told me something that I know he hasn't.

Unknown said...

I had 3 older brothers so I was always blamed/framed for things since they were convinced I wouldn't get into as much trouble because I was the baby and only girl.

Unknown said...

cheat during my final exam

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