
Interview with Author Cheryl Brooks and Giveaway

Meet Cheryl Brooks, author of Rebel.

Cheryl Brooks is a former critical care nurse turned romance writer. Previously published works in her Cat Star Chronicles series include Slave, Warrior, Rogue, Outcast, Fugitive, Hero, Virgin, Stud, and Wildcat. Look for book 10 in July 2014. Her newest series is Unlikely Lovers, including Unbridled, Uninhibited, Undeniable, and Unrivaled. Other self pubs include Midnight in Reno and Sex, Love, and a Purple Bikini and If You Could Read My Mind (writing as Samantha R. Michaels).

She also has several erotic novellas published with Siren/Bookstrand.

She is a member of the RWA and lives with her husband, two sons, two horses, four cats, and one dog in rural Indiana.

Find Cheryl at:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
My name is Cheryl Brooks, and I’m a former critical care nurse who lives on a farm in Indiana with my husband and the youngest of two sons, two horses, four cats, and one dog. I’ve been actively writing since 2004, and was first published in 2008. My Cat Star Chronicles series now stands at ten books including the current release, Rebel. I have several novellas published by Siren, and I have six self-published titles, including the four-book erotic contemporary series, Unlikely Lovers.

A la Twitter style, please describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
A futuristic sci-fi romance series about a species of feline aliens whose men are so irresistibly sexy, a jealous man blew up their planet.

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
I prefer dialogue to description, although I’m supposedly very good at world-building. Love scenes are fun, although the challenge is to make them all different enough that they don’t seem like an echo of others I’ve written.

What are the things that influence you the most as a writer?
Odd little things show up in my writing—things people say in passing that stick with me, or personal experiences, be they real or dreams. I’ve started writing a contemporary paranormal romantic suspense trilogy that is based on two different dreams. No doubt my writing has been influenced by every writer whose books I’ve ever read in some way or another, sometimes by showing me how not to write!

What are some of your favorite characteristics to find in a hero?
My favorite heroes are likeable fellows. They can be handsome, well-built, and sexy, but not overly cocky. I’m not a fan of the stoic, brusque, alpha male who is always looking to pick a fight or is so arrogant you would rather smack him than kiss him. I like normal guys—friendly, helpful, and loving—the kind of man you like as a person as much as being attracted to them in the sexual sense.

Tell me, is there anything that we would be surprised to learn about you?
Probably not. I’m pretty normal in most respects. I just happen to be a writer. ;-)

If you could live inside any book, which one would you choose and why?
I wouldn’t mind being a witch in Harry Potter’s world, although I would prefer to be a survivor living in the post-Voldemort era! There’s a lot to be said for being able to fix things with the wave of a wand. That “Reparo” spell has got to be one of the most useful.

If you could spend the day in the shoes of any of your characters, who would you choose and why?
I’d like to be Jack Tshevnoe, the heroine of Slave. She’s the kind of kick-ass, take-charge, independent woman I’ve always wanted to be. Plus, she’s married to Cat, a hunky Zetithian if there ever was one! She has her own starship and can go anywhere she likes.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring only three items, what would you bring and why?
A knife, an iron skillet, and a big spool of rope. With those items, you can probably survive pretty well anywhere.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m writing an erotic contemporary series for Sourcebooks called Cowboy Heaven. The main theme is a heroine who starts off with one man, but ends up with another during the course of solving a mystery. It’s a little hotter than the Cat Star series, and who doesn’t love cowboys?

Which would you prefer? Red-hot American cowboys or amazingly sexy aliens?

He helped to find her kidnapped friends. Will he let her steal his heart?

Kimcasha has lived by her wits since she lost her family when she was eight years old. So when three of her friends vanish, she has no fear about using herself as kidnapper’s bait, until a stranger foils her plot…

After ten years of selling his services in a brothel, Onca has decided to retire. A refugee of planet Zetith, he has no family, no surname, and no woman—until he rescues a young homeless girl from a kidnapper. Onca helps Kim find her friends, but as their intense attraction deepens, he begins feeling too jaded for someone so innocent. It’s up to Kim to convince him otherwise…

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Rebel

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Cheryl's question: Which would you prefer? Red-hot American cowboys or amazingly sexy aliens?
  • US/CA shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Cheryl Brooks said...

Good morning! I'll be popping in from time to time to answer questions and respond to comments. Wishing everyone the best of luck in the contest!

Jan Hougland said...

Cheryl, before reading one of your Cat Star stories I would've answered the question, "Red Hot Cowboys," but now it would be a hard choice to make. Your "Sexy Aliens" are amazing. You are a new-to-me author so I've just barely begun reading your Cat Star Chronicles (Slave) and it was an experiment for me because I've never read about aliens before. I had my doubts about whether I would like this experiment or not. :-) But now I'm hooked! Yea! And notwithstanding my love for your Cat Star aliens, I'm super excited about your cowboy series. Wow! I'm a winner on both fronts with your stories. I'm so glad I "met" you previously on a blog tour (can't remember which one) and look forward to your future books.

Cheryl Brooks said...

Thanks, Janice! My cowboys may not have all the cool "extras" that the Zetithians possess, but they're smokin' hot and tons of fun! I hope you enjoy them!

Em said...

Cowboys or me...something about the outdoor setting and a fully toned man with a hint of sun just makes my knees melt.

Unknown said...

Doesnt really matter, as long as they are gentlemanly and know how to treat and keep a woman happy, it dont matter

Anonymous said...

No fair, they both have positives. How about aliens displaced from their home planet in the guise of American cowboys?

MsAwesome said...

I like adaffern's answer!! not original, I know but she has a point ;)

May said...

I like both but if I have to choose one... I would choose cowboys.

Cheryl Brooks said...

LOL! Good answers! Zetithians may have the edge when it comes to the "equipment," but there's no arguing the fact that cowboys are much easier to come by!

Debs Desk said...

Red-hot American cowboys - no contest.

Anonymous said...

Decisions, decisions....but as a long time Sci-Fic fan, I'm gonna go with the aliens!!

Unknown said...

I'd take either... But there's definitely something sexy about aliens!

Cheryl Brooks said...

LOL! Glad to see some takers for the aliens!

Cheryl R said...

The Cowboys for me!

bn100 said...


Unknown said...

I think I would take either one if they both are hot. thanks for the give away

Cheryl Brooks said...

My new cowboy series should interest some of you cowboy fans. I wrote the first book for a friend of mine a while back. She loves cowboys, so I gave her a whole bunkhouse full of them!

Unknown said...

Amazingly sexy aliens for sure. :)

kaisquared said...

If Cheryl is writing them, they will both be hot, fun reads and I cannot choose, so I will say cowboys on even days and aliens on odd days :) !

Cheryl Brooks said...

Wise choice! ;-)

Cheryl Brooks said...

:-) !!!

Anita Yancey said...

I prefer red hot American cowboys. Thanks for having the giveaway.

Cheryl Brooks said...

Thanks, Anita! Good luck!

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