
Interview with Author Kara Braden and Giveway

Meet Kara Braden, author of The Longest Night.

Kara Braden makes her debut in modern romance with a story of love in isolation. She believes that engaging, romantic fantasy can be found everywhere in the world, even in the most unlikely places. With the support of her wonderful husband, cats, and dogs, she writes from her home office outside Phoenix, Arizona, where she spends her time hiding from the sunlight and heat.

Find Kara at:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
When I was five, I wanted to grow up to be a dinosaur. I never really changed my career goal, especially once I realized it meant I could have gorgeous feathers. I’m still waiting for them to grow in.

A la Twitter style, please describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Snowbound in a forest cabin, city-boy attorney Ian Fairchild and retired USMC Captain Cecily Knight learn to trust each other and themselves, finding love on the way.

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
I love writing fun, snarky banter, when characters get into a back-and-forth verbal dance with one another.

What are the things that influence you the most as a writer?
Social media has made me very aware of the importance of consent, respect, and avoiding gender stereotyping.

What are some of your favorite characteristics to find in a hero?
My #1 hero characteristic is respect. I can’t write—or read—a “no means yes” type of forced seduction or dark romance. A relationship founded on anything but mutual trust and respect is one that’s doomed to fall apart.

Tell me, is there anything that we would be surprised to learn about you?
I’m actually not into romance books or movies! I love Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling series and Larissa Ione’s Demonica, but otherwise, I’m a fan of Cold War and espionage thrillers and sci-fi/fantasy, especially Marvel’s blockbusters.

If you could live inside any book, which one would you choose and why?
I’d love to live in the Psy-Changeling world. It’s not perfect by any stretch, especially with what’s happening to the Psy doctrine of Silence, but there are strong forces invested in building a better future between all three peoples: the Psy, the Changelings, and the humans. It’s a beautiful world full of hope.

If you could spend the day in the shoes of any of your characters, who would you choose and why?
It’s tempting to choose Cecily, especially since I’m writing this on a scorching July day, when it’s over a hundred degrees outside. What I wouldn’t give for a week’s vacation in a cool northern forest!

If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring only three items, what would you bring and why?
My Kindle and a solar charger, so I’d have something to read while relaxing, and a TARDIS, so I could leave when I wanted to get back to good wifi.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m working on another sequel to The Longest Night/The Deepest Night. Like both those books, it will be a standalone novel with no cliffhanger ending, though there will be character tie-ins to the other books. I’m really excited for where it’s going. I hope you’ll all check it out and enjoy it!

If you were snowbound in a remote cabin for the winter, what luxuries would you want with you?

Years ago, former Marine Captain Cecily Knight fled her dark past and the nightmares forever haunting her nights. Alone in the remote Canadian wilderness, she survives day to day…until Ian Fairchild comes storming into her life and shatters her protective seclusion.

Aloof but intriguing, defensive but undeniable, Ian is everything Cecily shouldn’t want but can’t ignore. He watches her with shrewd blue eyes, as if determined to decipher her secrets…and for the first time in years, she finds herself coming alive beneath the hands of a man with too many scars to count.

As the hushed and harsh winter closes in around them, two lost souls find themselves on the precipice of a love that could save their lives…or destroy them forever.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of The Longest Night

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Kara's question: If you were snowbound in a remote cabin for the winter, what luxuries would you want with you?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kathy p said...

I would need my kindle!!!

erin said...

electricity so that I could have heat and charge my kindle :) thanks for sharing!

Laney4 said...

Electricity for heat, range, and microwave ... orthotics for feet ... a well-stocked library ... and Internet access would be divine.

Sue G. said...

Heat, food, electricity and my Kindle. ;)

dstoutholcomb said...

kindle, food, indoor plumbing, power, heat, and my guy

Glenda said...

Electricity/gas for power, indoor plumbing, lots of food and drink, and of course my fully loaded kindle. :-)

Anonymous said...

Luxuries: my e-reader and an internet connection.

Marcy Shuler

Mary Preston said...

I'd need lots of food, blankets, firewood & books.

veRONIca said...

Marshmallows, a fireplace and hot chocolate to go along with my giant stack of books

Anonymous said...

I would need and want, cable, internet, kindle, telephone, baking supplies, crafting supplies, blankets, flashlights, electricity, oil for heat.

Unknown said...

i would need my phone, baking supplies, blanket, flashlight, internet, and giant stack of books

Unknown said...

I would want my iPad and a warm, fuzzy blanket so I could snuggle up and read :)

Anita Yancey said...

I would want heat, food, internet, phone, and a library of books.

Unknown said...

Ability to have running water, esp hot water, a library, a sexy man...if no electricity(it better have, tho) then a good fireplace with lots of firewood...

bn100 said...

tv, stove

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