
Interview with Author Michele Summers and Giveaway

Michele Summers writes funny romances set in small Southern towns with sassy heroines, witty heroes and wacky, small-town characters, along with a satisfying happily ever after. Michele started her fiction writing career after Hurricane Wilma hit Miami and she was without power for over a week. Bored to tears, she scrounged for a legal pad and pen, and with the help of a trusty flashlight, started writing. Thrilled to have found another creative outlet, she's been writing ever since, when she's not working as an interior designer, personal chef, playing tennis, or raising her two great kids. Presently,she resides in North Carolina where she grew up with her family, but she still miss sunny South Florida, swaying palm trees and wearing open-toed shoes...everyday!

Find Michele at:
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First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I’m a very creative person who always has to be doing something. Sometimes that translates into cleaning, which I actually detest, but I hate dirt more. I’m an interior designer by trade and love working with new fabrics, furnishings and colors. My clients are wonderful because they hire me to boss them around, which I do with great relish. I relieve stress by playing as much tennis as possible and sometimes…shopping. Very bad habit…gets me in lots of trouble and I don’t recommend it. I cook…a ton, because I feed others besides my two great kids. I’m a die-hard Tarheel fan and love watching college basketball, but unfortunately need to be censored. It’s embarrassing. And I like nothing more than sitting in my quiet, clean house and either writing or reading about something I love.

A la Twitter style, please describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less. 
Small town interior designer wants OUT. Big time retired tennis pro convinces her to stay and redo his home. Will their sizzling attraction for each other stay buried under rolls of wallpaper and mounds of fabrics?

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
Dialogue between the hero and heroine. Especially the scene where H/H first meet or reconnect. I love when they assess each other and the battle lines are drawn. Game on!

What are the things that influence you the most as a writer? 
Emotion that other writer’s manage to convey through description and heartfelt dialogue. Wringing out emotion is difficult for me and when I see it so well-done, it makes me pause. Also, forms of entertainment and what makes them entertaining. Always want to know what people find enjoyable and why.

What are some of your favorite characteristics to find in a hero? 
Strength of character and a willingness to take charge. There’s a part of me that wants someone to take over. Please…just once! Being in charge is exhausting and to have someone, especially a hunky, smart, capable guy take the reins for a while seems like heaven. But I also need to see heart and humor to complete the package.

Tell me, is there anything that we would be surprised to learn about you? 
Went to school with a famous NBA basketball player at UNC…uh, initials are: MJ. And he borrowed my notes for French literature. Because of me, he passed that class! Go Heels!

If you could live inside any book, which one would you choose and why? 
The Great Gatsby. Not the tragic ending of course, but I’ve always wanted to experience that decadent lifestyle portrayed so vividly in the book. Would love to know how it feels to not want for anything and to wear those cool, flapper outfits and dance to great jazz.

If you could spend the day in the shoes of any of your characters, who would you choose and why?
From Find My Way Home, I’d probably choose Liza Palmer, Bertie’s ex-friend and nemesis. Because she’s tall and blonde (I’m not…) and smart and savvy. (again, not me). She’s decisive and knows what she wants and how to go after it. She’s also funny and kind of heart.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring only three items, what would you bring and why? 
My pillow…can’t sleep without it and I expect I’ll be doing a lot of sleeping. My favorite Tervis Tumbler with the tennis rackets to hold my tropical drink…imagining a thatched roof bar. And my iPad (I’m optimistic about internet service) so I can surf the web, read, take pictures of my ocean view…that kind of thing.

Last question, are you working on anything right now? 
Yes! Thank you for asking. I’m working on the third book in the Harmony Homecomings series about Vance Kerner, a bestselling author of thriller novels and Katie McKnight, a location scout from California who wants to use Vance’s house for the next teenage-horror-mini-series rage. Vance has a deadline looming and writer’s block (imagine that!) On top of taking care of his brother’s three young kids, he doesn’t need any more distractions. Chaos ensues with lots of laughs and love. Hope you’ll check it out after the first two!

What was the last laugh-out-loud scene you read?

Everyone knows that money can't buy happiness. The promise of money is even worse. Especially for a small town designer with big dreams. Bertie Anderson is finding out anticipation only buys trouble. When the offer of $150,000 is dropped into her lap for designing one house, she dumps her dreams of leaving town and gets to work. If only she wasn't so distracted by her hubbalicious client. Why would an ex-pro tennis player move to tiny Harmony, NC?

Keith Morgan is wondering the same thing. Sure, he needs a safe place to raise his daughter, away from the party lifestyle of his past. But does it have to be in a crazy, little town where everyone knows his business? What's worse is his aunt has given him an ultimatum: get married in three months or risk losing his little girl. Finding a woman is no problem. Parades of them show up at his house like the paparazzi. The problem is he only has eyes for Bertie, his quirky, curvy, maddening designer. And he couldn't marry her, because this go round he needs to play it safe...and Bertie is anything but safe!

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Finding My Way Home

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Michele question: What was the last laugh-out-loud scene you read?
  • US/CA shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


girlygirlhoosier52 said...

Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich

Unknown said...

There are plenty of LOL scenes in Wallbanger!

Michele Summers said...

I always roar with laughter any time I read Janet Evanovich! Thanks for answering and good luck!
Michele Summers

Michele Summers said...

I'll have to check Wallbanger out. Thanks for answering and good luck!

Michele Summers said...

Happy 4th!!! Thanks for hosting me today and for sponsoring giveaway. This has been such fun!

May said...

Janet evanovitch's books made me laugh always.

Unknown said...

Tracy Brogan's Best Medicine. She never fails to make me laugh

Sue G. said...

Wallbanger by Alice Clayton or Tangled by Emma Chase.

Laney4 said...

That’s an easy question to answer (for me). I read an anthology called A BLAZING LITTLE CHRISTMAS while sitting in a clinic waiting room. The third story, DEAR SANTA, by Kathleen O’Reilly, had me LOL over a dozen times – and in one instance, I had laughed and then four pages later had tears well up. To me, that was amazing, and I definitely want to read more of Kathleen’s books.

penney said...

Waiting On You (Blue Heron #3) that whole series is pretty good and it made me laugh too.

Anonymous said...

My last laugh out loud scene was in Shelley Laurenston's Mane Attraction. Two big bad lion shifters were in the passenger seats when their sweet little wolf shifters were drag racing in the driver's seats. I howled at the description!

Anonymous said...

In TWINS UNDER THE CHRISTMAS TREE by Marin Thomas, I laughed at many of the antics of the 4 yr. old twin boys. My favorite was when they came upon the cowboy hero attempting to sleep on a too small sofa with his hat over his face. They have this whole discussion between themselves wondering if he's dead and daring each other to touch him and find out. When the hero lets on that he's awake they jump back and end up spilling Cheerios all over him and the floor and then just start shoveling them back into the box. LOL It's a great story!

Marcy Shuler

heatherzilla said...

I laughed out loud at the mention of Buffy and Spike while reading Beautiful Oblivion by Jamie McGuire. I am a huge BtVS fan, so I knew exactly the scene she was talking about. Wallbanger by Alice Clayton and Tangled by Emma Chase are both hilarious.

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