
Interview with Author Sara Humphreys and Giveaway

Sara is a graduate of Marist College, with a B.A. Degree in English Literature & Theater. Her initial career path after college was as a professional actress. Some of her television credits include, A&E Biography, Guiding Light, Another World, As the World Turns and Rescue Me.

Recently, Sara joined the HEA Blog at USA Today as a weekly contributor and her novel, UNTAMED won two PRISM awards--Dark Paranormal and Best of the Best.

Sara has been a lover of both the paranormal and romance novels for years. Her sci-fi/fantasy/romance obsession began years ago with the TV Series STAR TREK and an enormous crush on Captain Kirk. That sci-fi obsession soon evolved into the love of all types of fantasy/paranormal; vampires, ghosts, werewolves, and of course shape shifters. Sara is married to her college sweetheart, Will. They live in New York with their 4 boys and 2 insanely loud dogs. Life is busy but never dull.

Places to find Sara:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Absolutely! I'm a 44 year old mother of 4 teenage boys. I've been married to my college sweetie for almost 20 years and I can't believe it's been that long! Before I was a writer, I worked as a public speaker, a teacher, and an actor. I recently lost over 30 pounds and have become a Beachbody coach :)

A la Twitter style, please describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less. 
What happens when an uptight 4oo yr old vampire is charged with watching over a sexy youngling vampire with a penchant for flirting? TROUBLE

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write? 
I love writing the scene when the hero or heroine spills their guts and finally fesses up to all of the feelings they've been trying to "manage".

What are the things that influence you the most as a writer? 
Time and mood. If I'm short on time then it usually puts me in a bad mood and that can be either good or bad for my writing. Sometimes it forces me to focus and put the pedal to the medal and other times it makes me freeze up. I prefer the pedal to the medal mood.

What are some of your favorite characteristics to find in a hero?
Tough but tender. A guy who can change a flat tire or kick ass but also knows when his lover needs a hug and gives it to her without having to be asked.

Tell me, is there anything that we would be surprised to learn about you? 
Hmmm. I swear like a truck driver. Total potty mouth.

If you could live inside any book, which one would you choose and why? 
Whatever book I'm writing at the moment is the one I want and need to live in.

If you could spend the day in the shoes of any of your characters, who would you choose and why? 
Probably Maya. I 'd love to know what it feels like to be a vampire and to harness the kind of power she has and let's not kid get to curl up in the arms of Shane Quesada...le sigh...

If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring only three items, what would you bring and why?
Neosporin. Water. A lighter.

Last question, are you working on anything right now? 
Ye! I'm writing BRAVE THE HEAT which is the first book in The McGuire Brothers series. I'm excited because it's my first contemporary romance series. Look for it in 2015!

Shane likes to hang out on top of the Brooklyn Bridge and Maya is partial to the Statue of Liberty. If you could be a vampire in NYC, where would you want to visit in the dead of night?

A fledgling vampire ignites a war...

Maya remembers the last moments of her life as a human with haunting clarity, and every man she meets pays the price...until Shane. Finding herself in the middle of a bloody fight between vampires and werewolves, Maya has no choice but to let the devastatingly sexy vampire guard get close to her.

And that's not all that heats up...

Shane Quesada, a four-century-old vampire sentry, is known for his cold, unemotional precision, but once Maya begins to invade his dreams, his world is changed forever. His job to protect her is swiftly replaced by the all-consuming need to claim her as his own.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository | Indigo Books |


Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Vampire Trouble

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Sara's question: If you could be a vampire in NYC, where would you want to visit in the dead of night?
  • US/Canada Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

A bar or nightclub would definitely be fun!

May said...

Lots of things to see in NY! Maybe a nightclub.

Anita Yancey said...

I would probably go to see a play, movie, or to a club. Any place with lots of people.

Diane Lynch said...

If it was in the right season I'd check out a Rangers ot Islanders game.

Sara Humphreys said...


Sara Humphreys said...

Me too, Anita.

Sara Humphreys said...

I love that answer!

donnas said...

The current hot nightspot and the top of the Empire State Building.

Unknown said...

Empire state building ,or a broadway show .

Anonymous said...

Since I have never been to NYC, I want to see everything but mostly "Ground Zero" and the surrounding area. I have distant relatives buried in the church cemetery right near there and I have been doing family research for 25 years. Thank you for the chance to win. Good Luck everyone !

Anonymous said...

Maybe the subway. I've never been in one or to NYC..

Marcy Shuler

Jbst said...

I guess maybe the Empire State building, to get a great view of the city.

Cathy P said...

I would like to see a play, go to a nightclub, and see the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty.

Unknown said...

I would go to Times Square and a nightclub.

bn100 said...


Heather said...

I would go see the sights.

jmcgaugh said...

The top of the Empire State Building.

heatherzilla said...

Times Square

Osbobbins said...

definately a major sporting event

Valerie said...

I would love to win and read Vampire Trouble.

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