
Review: The Best Laid Plans by Tamara Mataya

The Best Laid Plans is the second book I have read by Tamara Mataya, and like the first I really enjoyed it. It was written well, and I liked the story and characters a lot. This book was a quick and easy read, and I was invested right from the start. I thought it was a great contemporary read and had just the right amount of sweet and sexy moments.

Malcolm is a successful musician and has made something of himself after escaping the horrors of high school. He was bullied and treated horribly until an attack left him in such bad shape that his parents pulled him out of school for his safety. But while performing a gig for an office party for some brokers, he ends up running into his childhood crush. She doesn't recognize him at all, and he decides this is his perfect opportunity to get some revenge. He plans to seduce Jayne and make her fall in love with him only to break her heart. Jayne was used to being invisible in high school, but years later with the help of a makeover and some advice she finds herself able to attract any man she wants. When she first sees Malcolm, she thinks that he would be perfect for a one night stand. But she quickly finds herself drawn to him and unable to stay away after he turns the tables on her. Malcolm and Jayne start seeing more of each other, and soon they are starting to develop real feelings for one another. But what happens when they are invited to their 10 year reunion and the truth finally comes out?

I really liked Malcolm. I thought that he was sexy and sweet, and had turned such a horrible childhood into a successful life. He had been through so much, and I felt so bad for him. The bullying that he suffered was so terrible that I cannot even imagine being able to live through that and turn out to be the type of person that he was. I thought that he blamed Jayne a little too much for what happened to him, especially since it wasn't even her that did the bullying. She had made an assumption, but she was young and didn't know what her mistake would lead to. I was really glad to see him figure things out though as his feelings for her started to develop. Jayne had been used to being invisible her whole life and had finally figured out how to make men want her. She was still insecure and vulnerable though and a lot of that influenced her life still. It was good to see Malcolm bring her out of her comfort zone though and I liked that he was able to take away a bit of her control. I liked that they worked well together, and that even though they started things off casually they couldn't help but let things develop between them as their feelings grew. I thought that they had a lot of chemistry together and had a ton of steam between them. But I also really enjoyed seeing the feelings and emotions between them.

Overall, I thought that this book was really great. I really believed in Malcolm and Jayne's relationship and it was great to see how far they had come from their childhood. Their story was cute and sweet, but had plenty of sexy times and heat to keep the reader interested. I really like Tamara Mataya's writing style, and I become more of a fan with each book of hers that I read. I would definitely recommend giving her books a shot if you haven't read anything by her yet. The Best Laid Plans was really good, and I think that fans of contemporary romance will really enjoy this book. I look forward to reading more from her in the future.

**Review Copy Provided by Swoon Romance PR**

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Feaky Snucker said...

Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it :)

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