
Review: Veiled Innocence by Ella Frank

I have been anxiously awaiting Veiled Innocence by Ella Frank since I first found out she was writing a teacher student romance! I love reading about forbidden love, and there is just something about falling for a hot older guy who knows what he is doing. Ella Frank is such a fabulous writer, and she always brings the steam! This story was no exception, and I loved every single minute I spent reading this story. These two main characters are ones that will always be favorites of mine, and I know that I will reread this story over and over in the future.

Addison is popular, she is the track star of her school and she is dating the most popular guy in school. At first glance she appears to have it all. But she is left broken after a horrible tragedy that happened two years ago and now she is left with guilt and pain. She puts on a facade for everyone, but inside she is still broken. When she meets her new history teacher Mr. McKendrick, she is instantly drawn to him and views him as a challenge. Mr. McKendrick is also drawn to her, but knows how wrong his feelings are. He does his best to fight what he is feeling and continues to tell her no. Addison is not willing to give up though and continues to pursue him. Each time he tells her no, he feels his resolve crumbling. They both know that there is only one way that their relationship can end, but with a connection like theirs how can they just walk away?

I really liked Mr. McKendrick and Addison. Both had things that they were dealing with and were suffering from. They found a connection and bond in each other that they had never found with anyone else. I instantly believed in their connection and I could tell that they were perfect for each other. With Addison being eighteen, it wasn't illegal for them to be together as far as age went it was just that she was his student. I honestly felt like these two were meant to be together though, and they seemed to really be able to calm and balance the other. I loved that they were able to connect through art and history and I really enjoyed their time together outside of the sex just as much as I did their physical connection. Addison was so strong even though she had been dealing with so much. She was a bit hard for me to connect with at the beginning of the story, and I think part of that is because of her reckless nature and her relentless pursuit of her teacher. She knew exactly what she was doing and at first it was clear that she was just doing it to push boundaries. But before long you could tell that she was actually developing real feelings and that he was actually really good for her. I loved that Mr. McKendrick was such a good guy. He was in a bad situation, but love isn't always neat or pretty. We don't choose who we fall for or when we meet them. It was hard to watch him struggle so much with his feelings, especially as he was dealing with his sick father. But I really loved the chemistry between the two of them, and it must be said that Ella Frank is seriously gifted at writing super hot and steamy sex scenes! She writes some of the best sex scenes I have ever read!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I was instantly drawn in and I didn't want to put this one down. I loved getting both POVs and seeing what each of them were going through. I think it really added to the story and the depth of their feelings and relationship. The reason that I didn't give this one five stars is because even though I really enjoyed the story, I felt like we only really got to see their relationship physically. There was very little conversation and talking done between them, and I felt like we needed more of their emotional connection. I believed that it was there and that they were connecting on a deeper level, but I would have liked to have actually seen more of it. I can't really get into the story without spoiling anything and you definitely don't want to know how it ends before reading. But let me tell you that this one is absolutely fabulous, and Ella Frank is such a genious story teller. I loved how things played out and the ending was perfect! This one is a must read, and I would highly recommend this book. If you haven't read Ella Frank yet, you are seriously missing out. Trust me when I say that she absolutely never disappoints! I cannot wait to read more from her and will be awaiting her next release!

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Suus said...

I love the cover of this book and it sounds great as well!

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