
ARC Review: Drops of Rain by Kathryn Andrews

Drops of Rain is the debut novel from Kathryn Andrews, and it is also the first book in her Hale Brothers series. Taking a chance on a new author is always a risk, but after reading the blurb on this book I felt like I had to read this book. I am so glad that I did, and I ending up really loving this book. It was really well written, and the characters were likable and easy to relate to. I thought that Kathryn Andrews did a fantastic job on this story, and I can't wait to continue this series and see more from her in the future.

After losing her mother, Ali Rain's dad moves them from Colorado and the only life they have ever known to Florida. Not knowing how to handle the new situation they find themselves in, Ali's father throws himself into his work and spends most of his time in a work provided condo away from the home that he and Ali share. Struggling with her new reality, Ali feels more alone than ever. But when she meets a beautiful swimmer one day she finds herself drawn to him. Drew Hale is counting the days until he can leave for college and get as far away as possible. He doesn't date or allow himself to get close to many people, but all that changes after meeting Ali. Even though he knows that he needs to stay away from her, Drew finds it harder and harder to keep Ali at arms length and quickly grows tired or hurting her by being rude and distant. Soon Drew and Ali are leaning on each other and getting to know one another, and the feelings between them continue to grow. But with Drew's secrets and reasons for keeping everyone at arm's length can he have any kind of future with Ali? And what happens when others will do anything to keep Ali and Drew apart regardless of who gets hurt in the process?

I really liked Drew and Ali. Drew was beautiful and athletic, but also sweet and caring. He was a great son and brother, and was loyal to those that he loved. He was really protective and would do anything for those that he cared about. I loved how he was always looking out for Ali, and that he wanted to not only take care of her but also protect her even if it meant staying away from her. I was glad that he quickly realized that his actions were hurting her though and that he needed to open up to her and explain things. Ali was strong and really independent. She had been through so much and had been left alone after her mother died. I hated what her father did to her and how he treated her, but I was glad that Ali was able to stay determined and work so hard to achieve her dreams and goals. Ali was really sweet, and she was one of those girls that you just couldn't help but really like. She was so kind and understanding, and I loved that she could stand on her own two feet. I think that Drew and Ali were exactly what each other needed, and they fit together perfectly. They were supportive and understanding of each other, and their love was unconditional. I loved that they took things slowly because what they were forming meant something to them.

Overall, this book was fantastic. I really enjoyed the story, and I was instantly drawn in. I didn't want to put this one down and I loved every minute of it. Not only did I love Ali and Drew, but I also really loved Drew's brothers Matt and Beau. I adored the friendship between them all but especially that between Beau and Ali. It was great to see the connection that they had as well, and I really loved that he was protective of her as well. I really loved their little bits of trivia back and forth, and found it to be so much fun! I couldn't wait to see what random facts they would come up with next. I honestly can't say enough good things about this book, and I am already anxiously awaiting the next one. I definitely recommend this book to new adult readers, and I will definitely be looking for more from Kathryn Andrews in the future.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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