
ARC Review: Forever Sheltered by Deanna Roy

Forever Sheltered is the third book in Deanna Roy's Forever series, but this book can be read as a standalone. I was a little worried going into this book after having read Forever Loved. I really enjoyed Forever Innocent but had been disappointed in Forever Loved, and honestly we didn't get to see much of Darion in Forever Loved but the little we did wasn't the best. I am so glad that read this story though, and I really liked both Darion and Tina. I had been looking forward to Tina's story since her character was first introduced and I am so glad to say that I thought her story was so interesting and I really liked how everything turned out for her.

Tina doesn't date men. She does one and done, and that is good enough for her. Losing her baby after he was born prematurely and only lived for three hours was the hardest thing she ever went through and she was in a bad spot for awhile after that. Putting herself through college, she made money by speaking out against suicide and helping others like herself that had thought there was no other way. But when she gets a job through her friend Corabelle at a hospital working with patients through art therapy, she finds a new purpose. She is glad to help others of all ages use art as a way to cope with everything they are going through. When Dr. Darion Marks asks her for help with a patient, she is not too happy to help him after he blew her off with no explanation the last time he asked for her help. Darion knows that he has a reputation for being cold and stoic, but he has a secret that he must protect at all costs including not allowing himself to interact more than necessary with those around him. Things get complicated when he asks for Tina's help with a special patient though. As Tina and Darion get to know each other better, they can't fight the attraction between them and soon are seeing each other. But with Darion and Tina both having secrets and a ton of baggage, can they learn to let each other in and move toward a future together?

I really liked Darion as the story progressed even though I started off thinking he was pretty cold and unfeeling. He was kind of mean right off and I thought that he had a bad attitude. But once we learned about everything going on in his life, it made a lot more sense. He was doing everything that he could to manage what he needed to, and I really admired the lengths he was willing to go to for his family. He cared so much, and I really liked that he was such a great person underneath the facade. He was really adorable with Cynthia, and I loved getting to see that side of him. I really thought that Darion and Tina worked well together despite all their differences. Tina was completely opposite of Darion, and yet she was kind and caring and would do whatever she could to help her patients. I thought that she was the perfect balance for Darion, and she really helped to loosen him up a bit. They were really supportive of one another, and I liked that they both shared a passion for art. Tina was able to move forward with her life and really heal with her friends and patient's help, but I also saw how much Darion was a part of her progress. These two had great chemistry together, but they also just had a natural ease to their relationship. They were able to relate to one another and see things that others didn't and I loved watching them fall for one another.

Overall, I enjoyed Forever Sheltered a lot. I thought that Tina and Darion were really interesting as a couple, but honestly the secondary characters made this story. I loved Cynthia and Albert, and it was fun to see them interact with Darion and Tina and see how they really had a huge impact on these characters. I thought that this story was really sweet and emotional. Tina and Darion were both struggling with things, and this book was really a journey for them as individuals as much as for them as a couple. Despite the heavy issues in this story, I really felt like this book was one about hope and love and was actually really light-hearted. I look forward to reading more from Deanna Roy in the future, and can't wait to see which character's story is next for this series. I am really hoping that we get more on Mario which is a friend of Gavin's. I can't wait to see him fall hard!

**ARC Provided by Author**

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