
ARC Review: Found In Us by Layla Hagen

Found in Us is the second book in Layla Hagen's Lost series. You can read this book as a standalone without any problems, but you do meet both Jessica and Parker in the first book of the series. I would start with Lost in Us even though it isn't necessary, because you really get to see the start of things between them and how far they have come. I was a little bit worried going into Found in Us because while I really liked both Parker and Jess, I had some issues with the previous book. I am so glad that I didn't let that stop me though, because I really liked Found in Us and thought that is was even better than the last book.

After graduating, Jessica lands her dream job working for a museum in London and leaves California behind. She misses her best friend Serena, but decides to live with Serena's boyfriend James's little sister Dani. Life is going well for her except she has been avoiding Parker ever since she arrived in London. Jessica likes Parker and is very attracted to him, but after being rejected by him in California she has no interest in being further humiliated. But with Parker being Dani's cousin, she knows it is only a matter of time before she can no longer avoid seeing him. Parker has been interested in Jessica since he first met her. But around her he finds himself losing control, and he absolutely cannot have that. But the more time that goes on, the less he begins to care and decides that he wants to get to know her better. Soon Jessica and Parker are unable to ignore what is between them and find themselves on unfamiliar ground. As Parker and Jessica grow closer, they struggle with letting each other in and learning to trust one another. Can they trust in one another and move forward together, or will their secrets and pasts be too much for them to overcome?

I liked Parker a lot. I knew there was so much more to him than what we saw in Lost in Us, and I couldn't wait to see what made him who he was. He didn't let a lot of people in and was used to keeping himself closed off because of how he had been betrayed in the past. I really liked seeing him show his vulnerability to Jess though, and I was really glad that he was able to share his past with her. He was kind and patient with her as well, and let her come to him when she was ready to share her past as well. I loved that he was able to loosen up with her, and I thought that she brought out a side of him that no one else could. Jess was great as well. In Lost in Us she came off as little more than a party girl that only wanted a good time. But we really saw her grow in this book and she started to stand on her own for the first time. I loved that she was so determined to do things on her own without help from anyone else, and she was so dedicated to her job even though her parents didn't support her decision at all. She didn't let them influence her, and I really admired her for having a career that made her happy regardless of how much money it made her. Parker really supported her and was always there for her with encouragement and I loved that he would help her practice her presentations. These two were so great together, and the best part about their relationship was that they were able to really balance each other out and their strengths and weaknesses complimented each other's. They had a ton of chemistry and you could feel their attraction, but they also were developing such a strong emotional connection as well.

Overall, I thought that this book was a great addition to the series. I loved Jess and Parker, and I liked that while they had things to work through there wasn't the constant back and forth that drove me so crazy in Lost in Us. They were able to handle things together and and work through their issues. Parker and Jess were a great couple, and I really loved seeing them fall for one another. I thought Found in Us did a great job of setting up the next book as well, and I am really interested to see what Layla Hagen has in story for Dani and her tattoo guy. I am enjoying this series a lot, and I look forward to reading more from Layla Hagen in the future. I would recommend these books if you are looking for a NA series that is different. I love how the characters are all so different and it is really interesting how they are all interconnected.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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