
ARC Review: Whatcha Gonna Do with a Cowboy by Jodi Linton

Whatcha Gonna Do with a Cowboy is the follow up novella to Pretty Reckless, the first book in the Deputy Laney Briggs series by Jodi Linton. Laney Briggs is cut from the same grain as Stephanie Plum. If Stephanie Plum got down and dirty Texas style and learned not be scared of a gun and dropped the wishy washy cop boyfriend and just kept Ranger you would have Laney Briggs, in fact I think I like Laney better than Stephanie but that just might be my Texas talking. I can connect better with a Texas girl then a Jersey girl. The relationship between Laney and Gunner is great, he’s an ass and she keeps reminding him of it, but his love for her is palpable. The Texas Ranger Gunner and Deputy Laney hooked up for a second chance romance, and I love second chance stories, in Pretty Reckless and it is still going strong in this novella.

Laney can’t catch a break, it’s supposed to be her day off and she is horny as hell missing Gunner, but then her lack wit partner calls her in when he finds the local high school football coach passed out drunk in his wife’s lingerie in the football stadium and the night just keeps getting worse when a Federal Marshall Colt shows up instills himself in her case claiming that Missy Granger, the coach’s wife, is a wanted con-woman. It soon becomes obvious that Colt is closer to the case than he wanted to let on and that Missy is in over her head with a drug cartel. Laney helps Colt despite his earlier lies and knowing Gunner isn’t going to be happy about it.

An all around enjoyable read but is probably best if you read Pretty Reckless first but it’s not necessary. Laney is a funny shot first ask questions later kinda girl. Gunner is an ass but he has his moments and really is perfect for Laney. I look forward to seeing what other trouble Laney and Gunner get into.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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