
ARC Review: Within These Walls by J.L. Berg

I am a huge fan of J.L. Berg's at this point, and I have loved every single book of hers that I have read. I was super excited to see that she had a new standalone book coming out, and was really curious about new characters that weren't in her Ready series. I can honestly say that I loved this book just as much as I loved the Ready series, and this book was just as captivating and well written as everything else I have read by her. I really cannot say enough good things about J.L. Berg and her stories, but if you aren't reading her books then you are seriously missing out. J.L. Berg is an author worthy of auto-buy, and I am already waiting for her next book.

Lailah Buchanan was born with a heart defect and has lived her life within the walls of a hospital. She has brief moments where she has been allowed to return home, but for the most part she is forced to live in hospitals where she can be monitored constantly. Her father left her mother before she was born, and they have only had the two of them to rely on. But she has grown up being close to Dr. Marcus who has been like a father figure to her. When she ends up meeting the new Nurse's Assistant in the Cardiology department, things between them quickly grow to be more than just friends. But Lailah soon discovers that Jude has secrets of his own. Jude has been trying to survive ever since he lost everything three years ago, and spends as much time as he can within the walls of Memorial Hospital. But after meeting Lailah, he finally begins to heal and soon is wanting to really live again. But with so much uncertain about Lailah's health and with Jude's secrets, can they find a way to be together?

I really loved Jude. You could see how torn up he was from his past, and he was struggling with his feelings for Lailah. He never expected to fall for her and didn't think that he was good enough for her. But he was determined to give her everything she had been dreaming of, and he was so sweet with her. I loved his late night pudding deliveries and how he did everything he could to help her cross out items on her Someday List. He was absolutely perfect for her and by helping her, he was able to begin to heal himself. Lailah was strong. She had been through a lot and had been dealt a crappy hand. But she made the most of it and wasn't a whiner. She didn't complain and she wasn't overly negative. I really admired her, and she was such an easy character to like and root for. She had a way of brightening the lives of everyone around her and it was easy to see how Jude was so easily drawn to her. I thought that they had great chemistry and you could see the attraction between them. But they also just fit together, and had such a strong connection.

What made Jude and Lailah's relationship so special though was that they just seemed to fit so well together. They were perfect for one another, and their feelings were so real and believable. You could tell just how much they meant to each other, and they wanted what was best for each other. They really seemed to put the other first, and were will to sacrifice themselves in order to do anything for the other. I love how J.L. Berg is always able to draw such emotions from her readers. Every single one of her books has you laughing and smiling even through the tears. Within These Walls was no different, and I definitely had my moments when I was reaching for the tissues. I loved every bit of this story though, and I really enjoyed reading this book. I highly recommend that you check out any of J.L. Berg's books if you haven't read them, but Within These Walls is one that will stick with me forever. I know I will be reading this one again in the future, and I can't wait to get more from J.L. Berg.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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