
Audiobook Review: Behind the Plaid by Eliza Knight, Narrated by Antony Ferguson and Arika Rapson

Eliza Knight has been one of those authors that I’m always meaning to read and never get a chance. When I saw the audiobook I jumped at the chance to hear her storytelling. It was a great story!

First, Emma Gordon is in a very horrible marriage. She married very young to a very abusive husband. While they are on vacation in Scotland she has finally had enough. She realizes that if she doesn’t leave at that moment she never will. Finding strength that she doesn’t even know she has, she gets into a cab and leaves. She’s not sure to where but while she is in the cab she sees Castle Gealach. She feels a strange pull but gets out of the cab, realizing that her husband could be coming after her, and she makes her way to the door.

Emma is transported to the 16th Century where Laird Logan Grant lives. When Emma appears Logan is in the midst of a battle. He is protecting his castle from invaders. Although he does not know Emma or who she is, he instantly tries to protect her. Emma is confused about what is happening around her but quickly realizes that she is no longer in the “present.”

Logan and Emma have A-MAZING chemistry. They are instantly drawn to each other. As Logan tries to figure out who Emma is he takes her into his castle. Emma realizes that she is in a different time and tries to understand what is going on. As Logan and Emma get to know each other they have to face a lot of obstacles. Aside from the time travel issue, Emma is very badly scarred by her abusive husband and has a difficult time learning to trust herself and accept Logan’s kindness. Logan is an amazing hero. Even though he is all brawn he has a lot of heart and it’s clear from the very moment he sets his eyes on Emma that he is going to protect her and give her the love she never received.

Eliza Knight is a fantastic writer. She was able to capture the feelings of Emma so perfectly that I ached for her. She was also able to portray Logan in such a heroic manner that it was impossible not to cheer for him and want him and Emma to have a happily-ever-after. The scenes with Emma and Logan were VERY detailed but aside from this they built a good relationship where they learn trust each other.

Since the story is told from Logan and Emma’s point of view it makes it easy to understand what they are thinking and feeling. The narration is done by a male and female which was very entertaining. I highly recommend this audiobook and plan to read and hear more books by Eliza Knight.

**Audiobook provided by Tantor**

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