
Audiobook Review: Until You by Penelope Douglas, Narrated by Nelson Hobbs

I loved Jared Trent in Bully, and I honestly couldn't wait to get his POV so I was so excited to start Until You by Penelope Douglas. While this book can be read as a standalone, I would highly recommend reading this one after Bully. I think that this story give so much insight into Jared and the events of Bully, and I think that it is much better having seen Tate's side first. I not only loved Jared's POV, but I also loved the narrator Nelson Hobbs. I thought that he did a fantastic job of bring Jared's story to life as well as Jared's character.

Until You gives the reader Jared's story from Bully as well as never before seen events from Jared's life. Jared had always loved Tate, and would have done anything for her. But when he is sent to visit his father for a summer before high school, everything changed. Now Jared does the one thing that he knows will keep himself from giving in to his weakness, he pushes Tate away and makes her miserable. Jared has learned to thrive on his anger, and by torturing Tate he keeps himself alive. Even though Jared hates Tate, he can't help but still love her as well. Before France, Tate never fought back. But now she is standing up for herself, and Jared is even more drawn to her than ever before.

I really loved seeing Jared's POV. I felt like it added so much to this story, and it was really interesting to see his side of things from Bully as well as stuff that we had never got to see before. Jared's thoughts and feelings were so interesting to me, and I felt like he was so much more than I had ever realized. I could not love Jared more, and though I hate what he did to Tate I was able to understand where he was coming from. I still don't agree with what he did, but I do see what caused him to act the way he did and why he felt like he should do those things. Seeing Tate through Jared's eyes really changed the whole story, and I felt like we really got to know her better as well as Jared. I loved seeing him struggle with his feelings for her and showing her that he was a different person. I think that Tate really saw through what Jared had done and was able to see that he was different than who he had been but that he was also still in part the person that she had grown up with and loved. Jared and Tate's relationship was so interesting in Bully, but I honestly felt like we didn't really get to see but a fraction of their story until Jared's POV in Until You. I also was glad to see what had really been going on with Jared and K.C. I still dislike her character and don't understand her, but it was nice to see things from another side. I really hope that she is finally able to open up to Tate and admit everything that she was thinking and going through later in this series, but it was nice to see her in a different light through her interactions with Jared.

I have to say that what really made Jared's story come to life was the narrator Nelson Hobbs. He was able to really capture Jared's personality and I thought that his voice was absolutely perfect for Jared. But Nelson Hobbs was also able to keep the characters distinguishable, and it was always easy to tell exactly who was talking throughout the story. Nelson Hobbs has a really great voice, and I found myself absolutely enthralled with this story. I was able to really sink into the story because of his telling of it, and the rest of the world just fell away as I listened. I could have sat and listened to this entire story in one sitting if it wasn't for real life getting in the way. But I never once had my attention waver and I felt like that was because of not only the story but the narration as well. This is probably the best audio book that I have listened to yet, and I think that was in large part due to Nelson Hobbs. I would love to listen to more narrated by him. I am really looking forward to more from Penelope Douglas as well, and I can't wait for the next story in this series.

**Audiobook provided by Tantor**

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