
Feature and Giveaway: What a Duke Dares by Anna Campbell

What woman in her right mind would say no to marrying the dashing Duke of Sedgemoor? Miss Penelope Thorne, that's who. She's known Camden Rothermere since they were children-and she also knows she'd bring nothing but scandal to his name.

Cam can hardly believe Penelope turned down his proposal. But if she wants to run off to the Continent and set the rumor mill ablaze, he can't stop her. Then her brother's dying request sends him to bring home the one woman he thought he'd finally gotten over.

The only way they'll both get back to London without their reputations in tatters is to pretend they're married during the journey. That means kissing like they mean it and even sharing a bed-until it becomes hard to tell where the game ends and true desire begins . . .

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Check out the Sons of Sin series:

A silence descended. At first, it was heavy with suppressed passion, but gradually it became something softer and kinder. As his voice was softer and kinder when he spoke. “Pen, why are you so determined to go into exile? What are you running away from?”


She’d spent the last nine years fleeing this man she loved but who could never love her. Despite excitement and adventure, despite playing a sophisticate in a sophisticated world, she hadn’t run toward anything. What a lowering admission.

“I enjoy my life.” Apart from a constant ache that no spectacular scenery or charming admirers or glamorous intrigues banished.

“You’d enjoy London.”

“I doubt it. People at home are more conservative than here. English society won’t accept me with open arms.”

“I would.”

Pen couldn’t help herself. She laughed. It was either laugh or cry. If she cried, he might guess how it would crush her to leave him. “No, Cam. I’m not throwing myself into your arms under any circumstances.”

He didn’t laugh. He looked disturbed and angry. That dangerous hum in the air returned. Fatalistically she recognized that it had never gone away. “Pen, I’m trying my best to remember that I’m an honorable man.”

She sobered, telling herself that she couldn’t allow him to compromise his principles. But how easy it would be to ignore what was right when for the sake of a little sin, he could be hers. However briefly. Physically if not emotionally. She could cross a mere foot of space and kiss him. If she knew anything about men— and at twenty eight, she should—the slightest encouragement would shatter his restraint.
“Unfortunately,” she whispered before she could stop herself.

The hum rose to overwhelm every other sound.

ANNA CAMPBELL has written eight multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna is currently engaged in writing the "Sons of Sin" series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for WHAT A DUKE DARES in August 2014. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 5 copies of What a Duke Desires

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  • Please leave a comment or question for Anna.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Forever Romance for sponsoring this giveaway.
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girlygirlhoosier52 said...

What are you planning for your next series?

Betty Hamilton said...

I love this front cover! Very sexy.

Betty Hamilton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diane D - Florida said...

OMG, this sounds really delicious. I love anything that Anna writes.

LilMissMolly said...

I live Anna too ! I own all her books do far!!

penney said...

This sounds very good I can't wait to read it.

Cathy P said...

What A Duke Dares sounds like another winner for Anna. I love her books! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anna Campbell said...

Hi GGH! Now that's a good question and one I can't really answer right now. Coming up, there's the four Sons of Sin book A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT which features the Marquess of Leath who plays such a large part in Duke. I've also got a stand-alone Christmas novella coming out this year. Where I go after that? I'll let you know!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Betty. I love it too. That red really pops.

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Diane! Love this excerpt Forever Romance chose!

Anna Campbell said...

Molly, that's fantastic! Thanks for picking up the books and for saying how much you enjoyed them. x

a said...

Thanks so much, Penney. Good luck in the draw!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much for swinging by, Cathy, and saying such nice things about the books. Good luck!

Binichen90 said...

Do you hear any music when you're writing or do you hear a song and then an idea/scene pops up your mind?

I am very excited how this book will be. Thank you very much for the giveaway.

xoxo Sabine

Sharlene said...

Sounds like some major heartache has to happen before the HEA. Can't wait to read this!

Jan Hougland said...

Ha! Sounds like Cam has his work but out for him with Pen! I like it that the hero has to try very, very hard to convince the heroine to admit she loves him and wants to be with him. After my first marriage ended I was single for five years and wouldn't give a man the time of day for most of that time. My second hubby (34 years now) finally convinced me he was right for me. :-) I do love a man who has to work hard. :-)

MsAwesome said...

I love that each cover has a color that stands out. Love the excerpt"

Unknown said...

Hi Anna. As always you give lovely interviews. I wish you nothing but success and I can't wait for book 4

Anna Campbell said...

Sabine, I write to music - usually classical or soundtracks. Words distract me. I do find sometimes songs give me ideas. The Muse song Undisclosed Desires was a realy inspiration for Midnight's Wild Passion, for example. Thanks for saying you're looking forward to the book!

Anna Campbell said...

Sharlene, hope you enjoy meeting my duke! So excited that he's released into the world today!

Anna Campbell said...

Janice, what a lovely happy ending for you. Congratulations! Yes, I like to see them work hard for their happy ending too!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Ms. Awesome (awesome avatar name!). That red really pops, doesn't it? And thanks for saying that you love the excerpt!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Justine! Good luck in the draw! Book's out today - hurrah!

Binichen90 said...

Thank you for your answer and have a nice weekend. =)

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