
Guest Post with Author Dixie Lee Brown and Giveaway

DIXIE LEE BROWN lives and writes in Central Oregon, inspired by what she believes is the most gorgeous scenery anywhere. She resides with two dogs and a cat, who make sure she never takes herself too seriously. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, movies, and trips to the beach.

Places to find Dixie Lee:
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Hello! I’m so excited to be here at Ramblings From This Chick today and be able to share a bit about my new release, WHATEVER IT TAKES, a Trust No One novel. First, though, I’d like to talk briefly on a subject near and dear to the hearts of readers and authors alike…

What’s So Important About a Book Cover?

Book covers are a promise of what’s to come. They should give the reader an idea of what the book is actually about and a feel for what’s inside. Think of it as an invitation to readers, asking them to pick up our books…or in our world of technology, click on our books.

I’m going to stick with the romance genre since that’s what I know best. Romance novels can be warm and inviting, or they can be hot and spicy. The cover is our first clue to which is which. It should suggest the sub-genre. Is the book a romantic suspense? Is it a paranormal romance or a sweet contemporary? A western romance?

We’re all familiar with first impressions and how, many times, we won’t get a second chance. As the first thing readers see, if the cover doesn’t speak to them, we may have just blown our best opportunity.

So, what makes a reader pick up that book, read the blurb, and take it home? There are as many different answers to that question as there are books. I like a sexy cover myself. I’m happiest if the models on the cover actually look like the characters in the book. That way I don’t have to use my imagination!

Others pick up the book because of the color and sparkle on the cover. Or the cowboy with six-pack abs and a shirt hanging open. Or a sexy long-legged blonde with a Glock in her hand.

The bottom line is…the cover should reflect the story. If a reader is looking for that particular kind of story, the right cover will catch her eye, and it’ll be a match made in heaven!

How about you? Do you have a favorite book cover? What caught your eye?

Assassin Alex Morgan will do anything to save an innocent life - especially if it means rescuing a child from a hell like the one she endured.

But going undercover as husband and wife, with none other than the disarmingly sexy Detective Nate Sanders, may be a little more togetherness than she can handle. She’s used to working alone, and no man is going to change that - not even a man who makes her heart pound and her defenses crumble with just a touch

Nate has dodged more than a few bullets over the years, but fighting his attraction for Alex may be the bullet that does him in. Still, Nate’s determined to help her find the missing kid. There’s no doubt in his mind that they’re walking straight into danger, but Nate’s willing to face anything if it means protecting Alex. She might have been on her own once, but Nate has one more mission: to stay by her side - forever.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Check out the Trust No One series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of If You Only Knew

To Enter: 
  • Leave answer Dixie Lee's question: How about you? Do you have a favorite book cover? What caught your eye?
  • US/CA shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Dixie Lee Brown & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Martha Lawson said...

I don't have a favorite hero, I've loved them all!! I like book covers with eye-catching colors.

Dixie Lee Brown said...

I agree with you about color, Martha. Everybody has their favorite too. I'll pick up a book with purple on the cover, but I'll seldom choose one with yellow. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Former Marine Walker!! Love those military or exmilitary guys!

MrsMac19 said...

The cover for Whatever it Takes is HOT! With that, I think I'd choose Det. Nate Sanders. Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

lorimeehan said...

I don't really have a favorite cover but I do like covers with good looking men and beautifully dressed women on them.

veRONIca said...

I really like covers that only have objects. I am not a fan of seeing people's faces. This one, with just the body is cool too, but I definitely prefer ones with just one random object tied to the story

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