
Guest Post with Author Marie Harte and Giveaway

Marie Harte is an avid reader who loves all things paranormal and futuristic. Reading romances since she was twelve, she fell in love with romance and happy endings and knew writing was her calling. Years later after the Marine Corps, Information Technology, and 60 hour work weeks, her dream has finally come true.

Marie lives in Oregon with her family and is constantly reading and writing.

Find Marie at:

A Day in the life of Brody Singer, told from Brody’s POV.

The alarm goes off at 06:30. I shut it off because I hate the friggin’ thing. But half an hour later I’m wishing I hadn’t done that. If I’m late, I’ll never hear the end of it from Flynn, my partner. I take a cold shower, because my water heater is dying a slow death, and hurry into jeans and a McSons Plumbing tee-shirt.

Then I have to rush to take Mutt outside to do his business. I rescued the mongrel from the pound a few months ago. You think he’d be more grateful, but he’s not. He gives me “that look”, takes his sweet time, and finally consents to hanging next door at Seth’s since I dropped off his food dish and kibble. Then my neighbor, a crabby old man, gives me the same look the dog likes to use. Sigh. Gonna be one of those days, I can feel it.

I race home, grab a half-assed breakfast of the one banana that hasn’t turned totally brown yet, and drive the company truck to Flynn’s place to pick up his lazy ass. Of course he’s smiling and chipper, because he’s in lurrve with his sexy redhead. You’d think the guy would cut me some slack and get me an in with his woman’s best friend.

But no. Flynn is such a douche.

While I spend the next half hour ignoring Flynn’s ramblings, I fantasize about Abby Dunn and all the nasty, sexy, dirty things I plan on doing to her. Just as soon as I can get the stubborn woman to stop avoiding me.

We show up at our first client and install their new water heater. I’m filled with hot water envy while the job goes without a hitch. We’re not so lucky on our ten o’clock though. It’s Flynn’s favorite octogenarian; Patty has a crush.

I swear the woman shoves things down her toilet so Flynn will bend over and give her a show. But this time her pipes really are busted. A corroded line in the basement is gonna be a bitch to fix. Flynn’s sweet-talking the woman while she pats his ass. It’s so funny, I don’t even mind having to fit into the crawlspace to see what all we’ll need to fix the problem.

An hour and a half later, after a temporary fix, we leave, order parts, and grab lunch. Flynn starts bragging about bagging the hottest babe in Seattle, I daydream about Abby some more, then we meet Mike, our oldest brother (and yeah, I call all the McCauley’s my bros) at a local Starbucks.

He’s got some dirt on Bitsy and Pop—the McCauley head honchos—that’s making me ill. The parents aren’t getting along, and it’s a real concern. But we don’t have time to do anything about it, because Flynn and I have one more job to handle. So we go with Mike to the house he’s remodeling for some richie-rich clients and rough out the lines (that’s pro-speak for laying down some pipe) for four fixtures—to include one cherry tub that had to cost a few grand.

And man, I can so see Abby taking a bubble bath. She’ll shift and the bubbles will show that fine rack in wet, glorious perfection…

Flynn slaps me in the head, we finish the job, and I go home to a grumpy old man, a pissy dog, and no food to be found. I drag Mutt with me into the truck and head out for pizza. He likes pizza. I like food. While I’m picking up an extra cheese pie big enough to feed me and the dog, I realize tomorrow night is poker night at Mike’s.

Mike lives next door to Abby and the girls. My mood perks up, and I try to figure out some way to get Abby to come talk to me. It’s a given I’ll win at poker. I always do. But playing with Abby…I haven’t yet figured out how to make that work. Something’s gotta give soon, though, because a guy can only take so much of her big brown eyes and body like Venus.

I mean, really.


I hope you enjoyed Brody’s day. Don’t miss the schemer and how he gets his comeuppance in How to Handle a Heartbreaker. Thanks to Ramblings With This Chick. Brody had a blast. *grin*

He can fix her sink, but can he wrench his way into her heart?

Flynn McCauley never thought he’d be so cliché as to fall for the girl next door. But when Maddie calls him over to help fix her faulty sink, he’s a goner. Too bad the fiercely independent interior designer wants nothing to do with him. Even worse, he’s forced to rely on the advice of his nosy brothers—and his five-year-old nephew!—to figure out how to make her give him a shot.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |


Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of How to Handle a Heartbreaker

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Marie.
  • US/CA shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


girlygirlhoosier52 said...

I love the idea of a 5 year old giving advice!!! Sounds like Brody is a lucky guy!

Sue G. said...

I bet when Abby and Brody finally get together it will be explosive!

MrsMac19 said...

Looks great! Can't beat getting advice from a Kindergartener! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

Anonymous said...

This sounds so cute! Thank you for the post and giveaway, and fingers crossed. :-)

kathy p said...

Love the sound of this book!

erin said...

this looks and sounds like so much fun :) Thanks for sharing!

Em said...

Sounds like such a fun book, anxious to read

Unknown said...

This series has been on my TBR forever! One day I'll actually get around to reading it LOL

bn100 said...

haven't read this series

Anonymous said...

I love the look into Brody's day. And every time I see a picture of Mutt I have to laugh. That is some dog! LOL

Marcy Shuler

veRONIca said...

I love meddlesome families!!

Judy said...

I saw that there might be another book in the Good To Go series ahead. That would be awesome! I really liked those Cava siblings. It was through that series that I discovered your work.

Anita Yancey said...

Sounds like a great book. I love the cover. Thanks for having the giveaway

Glenda said...

I do love Marie's books! I can't wait to read Heartbreaker! Brody sounds wonderful. :-)

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