
Guest Post with Author Shana Galen and Giveaway

Meet Shana Galen, author of Love and Let Spy.

Shana Galen is the bestselling author of fast-paced adventurous Regency historicals. She taught English at the middle and high school level off and on for eleven years. Most of those years were spent working in Houston’s inner city. Now she writes full-time. She lives in Houston, Texas.

Places to find Shana:

Five Fun Facts about Love and Let Spy

First of all, thank you Ramblings From This Chick, for having me back again. It’s always a pleasure to stop by. I’m a little sad that the Lord and Lady Spy series is ending. The entire series really is one of my favorites. It’s been so much fun to write that I looked forward to starting each new book. I won’t say I’ll never write another book in the series, but for now Love and Let Spy, is the last. And I’ve saved the best for last! When I started the series, I knew all the books would be based on modern spy films, and I could hardly tackle spy films without including James Bond. I saved my nod to the Bond films for last and I had a lot of fun with all the Bond tropes. The first fun facts are about those.

1. Almost every Bond film includes the characters of Miss Moneypenny, Q, and M. I wanted them in my book too. But since my Bond is Jane Bonde, I made Miss Moneypenny a Mr. Moneypence. He has a serious crush on Jane, and she’s completely oblivious. In Love and Let Spy, Q is Miss Qwillen. She’s Jane’s best friend and a weaponry designer. Her weapons aren’t always 100% reliable, though. Finally, I had M all along. The leader of the Barbican group through the series was Lord Melbourne. He’s the M in this novel, and he has a special relationship with Jane.

2. Here’s another fun fact about the secondary characters. I didn’t intend to write a secondary plot with Q and Moneypence. In fact, I was annoyed when I realized what was happening because it meant extra chapters. But if you like their story, they’ll be featured again in my Christmas novella, “The Spies Who Went Into the Cold” in the October anthology, Christmas in the Duke’s Arms.

Since this book is part of a series but also a stand-alone, I had to juggle bringing back characters from previous books and making sure readers who picked up this book weren’t left feeling as though they missed something. I did this by giving each of these characters their own stories too.

3. Adrian and Sophia make an appearance in this one, and they certainly make an impression on Jane and her hero Dominic Griffyn. Winn and Elinor play a role too. Of course, I couldn’t leave Blue out. He’s back to his old ways, even if he’s supposed to be retired.

4. We finally found out more about Lord Melbourne and where he came from. His wife, Lady Melbourne, plays a part too. And then there’s Lady Edgeberry, Dominic’s mother and a former actress. She may or may not have been paramours with Lord Melbourne at one time.

5. The last fun fact is about Barbican headquarters. I finally had the chance to explore the domain of the spies. There are some really fun rooms in the headquarters, including The Dungeon, Q’s laboratory, and the dormitories.

I hope you enjoy Love and Let Spy. All these fun facts should make you feel like an insider. Do you like to read books in a series? If so, do you read them as they become available to wait until the whole series is published?

Her name is Bonde, Jane Bonde…

A beautiful and eligible member of the ton, Jane has more than a few secrets: she’s one of the Crown’s most elite agents. She may be deadly, but she doesn’t know a thing about fashion, flirtation, or love…until Dominic Griffyn shakes up her carefully stirred world and asks her to be his bride. He’s exactly the kind of man she’s not looking for. And he’s dangerous, because falling into his arms is so much more satisfying than saving England from her enemies.

He’s an improper gentleman who needs a wife…

Talk, dark, and tortured, Dominic Griffyn is haunted by demons from his past. When his stepfather insists that he marry, Dominic allows himself to hope that the beautiful but mysterious Miss Bonde might help him forget his troubles. As they grow closer, it’s clear that there’s more to Jane than danger. She might be just what his neglected heart needs.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Love and Let Spy

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Shana's question: Do you like to read books in a series? If so, do you read them as they become available to wait until the whole series is published?
  • US/Canada shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Shana Galen & Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
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Laney4 said...

Yes, I DO like to read books in a series. I read them as they become available (and then leaf through the previous book before starting the next one).

girlygirlhoosier52 said...

I've always enjoyed series...and hang on to the earlier copies to refresh my memory as the new one come out.

May said...

I read it as it comes out. I can't wait.

Shana said...

I have a new, breaking fun fact! My novella is now titled THE SPY BENEATH THE MISTLETOE.

Shana said...

Thanks, Laney. That's what I do too.

Shana said...

I love series books too, girlygirlhoosier.

Shana said...

I can't wait either, May!

Cheryl R said...

I read series books all the time, I usually end up waiting for the next to come out! Its so difficult sometimes!

Betty Hamilton said...

Yes, I very often read series. I LOVE revisiting characters from previous books. I sometimes buy them as they are released, however, sometimes I am "introduced" to a series that has had more releases. If I really like the book, I will pick up previously released books from the series.

AquarianDancer said...

I prefer to read a series once they're all out, but if it is a long series I'll read it as it comes out. In general, I like short series (three to five books?).

Gretchen said...

I love books that come in series. I hate to say goodbye to characters in a good book; in a series I get to see them again!

Kathleen O said...

I love to read books that are in a series. I will read them as soon as they come out, but sometimes I want to savor them and read them altogether at one time.

Jan Hougland said...

Yes, I like a series because the reading of the characters lasts longer. And it's like reading about a family. But what I do is buy each book as it becomes available, and then wait until the last one is released and go on a reading binge and read them all, one after another. I look forward to that. I really like the premise of this series, Shana. Thanks for this post.

Em said...

I read a ton of series, it depends when I discover them though. If it is a series I am already reading usually buy right away, if it is one I just discovered I end up buying after discovery.

erin said...

I have to read books in order. If I really like an author/series, I'll read them as they come out but Ideally I like them all to be available so I can glom :) Thanks for sharing and congrats to Shana on the new release! Love this series!

Unknown said...

I like reading books in series. It's so nice to revisit characters that I adore. I read the books as they are released.

cheryl c said...

I will read series books as they come out if each book can be a stand-alone. If the books are heavily connected, I like to wait and read them back-to-back so I don't forget important characters and plot details.

Di said...

I do love books in a series. When I read them depends - I'm still catching up on series that have been out for awhile (often from authors I didn't know about until more recently), but I've also read the books of a series as they come out (tho it is often a long wait between stories. Overall, I like to read at least several connected stories together.

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Shana! I love reading books in a currently reading Kristan Higgins's Blue Heron series and Jill Shalvis's Lucky Harbor series. I love it when I find a new-to-me author and find that there is an awesome series already out...I'm only on the 3rd in the Lucky Harbor series and I've got at least another 7 or 8 left to read...happy guaranteed reading for me! :)
Congrats on the newest release, Shana!! Have a great Labor Day weekend! :)

Shana said...

It is hard to wait, Cheryl.

Shana said...

I'm the same way, Betty. I often start a series in the middle. If I like it, I go back.

krazymama.98 said...

I have done the series both ways. And if its a good ones, its a good one. You will wait on pins and needles or jump right into the next one. Whichever way you do it.
There are so many series I have loved. Finished and continuing. I would love to reread some of them. But just never have the time.

Riley said...

I do read books in series. But sometimes the wait is terrible and I can be very impatient. It's nice to discover a good series that already has a few books completed and then take your time getting caught up while the next one comes out.

Cathy P said...

Hi Shana! I love your books! I do love and read books in a series. If I catch it on the first book, I always buy them as they come out rather than waiting to collect them all at the same time. If it's a 2nd or 3rd book (etc.), I have to buy the ones before it to read them as well.

sheryl said...

I like reading books in a series. I like being able to read about past characters if they make cameos. I really enjoyed Love and Let Spy. It was great seeing the spies from previous books.

Diane D - Florida said...

I have absolutely no patience, so I read them as they come out. I love series, especially yours Shana, I'm always blown away by your books.

Shana said...

I'm with you. I start to feel behind after about 4 or 5 books.

Shana said...

I;m exactly the same. I also hate it when TV shows end.

Shana said...

I admire your willpower, Kathleen. I can't usually wait.

Shana said...

Janice, I know quite a few readers take this approach. In some ways it's better. You remember the earlier books better and feel more connected overall to the story.

Shana said...

Em, I almost feel overwhelmed if a series is like 16 books long, and I;ve never read even one. It sort of deters me from starting it.

Shana said...

Thank you, Erin. Love the word 'glom.'

Shana said...

Exactly, Cheryl. I should have read all the Hunger Games books back-to-back. Other series, like the Bridgertons, can be read over time.

Shana said...

I think we're all catching up, Di. My new favorite author might be old hat to you. That's the great thing about books. They are always available!

Shana said...

Thanks, Sandra. Two of my favorite authors you're reading. Enjoy!

Shana said...

I never have time either, krazymama. Lately I've checked out books I read a long time ago and enjoyed and listened to them on audio. That's one way of rereading but not taking time away from my reading, if you know what I mean.

Shana said...

Riley, you're so right. It's nice to be able to get the next one right away because the series has progressed.

Shana said...

Thanks, Cathy! I'm the same as you :-)

Shana said...

Sheryl, I brought those characters back for readers like you!

Shana said...

Thank you, Diane. That's lovely of you to say.

Diane D - Florida said...

You're so welcome Shana. You know how much I love your books!!

Glenda said...

I do enjoy series and I prefer that each book works as a standalone. BTW I love this series, Shana. However, I am not always consistent on how I read them. I like to read in order and sometimes I'll wait until the series is done. Other times I read them as they come out. Sometimes, I go back and reread all the books before starting the newest one....

Sue G. said...

I have done both. I like when books are release closer together. When it is 3 to 4 months away, it's hard to remember the previous book.

Jessica said...

I love books in a series, and I always read them as them become available... the wait sometimes almost kills me

Karen H said...

Yes, I love books in series. In most cases, I wait until I have all the books before I start to read. However there are some exceptions to that rule, for instance, I don't wait to read Shana's books or those from Stephanie Laurens or Sabrina Jeffries. Books from those authors are read as soon as I get them. BTW, I loved LALS...5 stars all the way!

Question for you: Is The Spies Who Went into the Cold the last book in the Lord and Lady Spies series?

Amy said...

If I know for sure I will like the books I would prefer to read the whole series back to back. Sometimes I read the first one to see if I will like it. I am impatient on waiting for books in a series to be published later cause then I feel I need to reread the last book prior to the new book. I have so many books to read I don't like to reread a book where I know everything that will happen. I have a very bad memory so I forget little details, but if the book is good I will remember it all as soon as I read one chapter.

Shana said...

You're flexible, Glenda! That's not a bad trait to have :-)

Shana said...

Sue, yes! I've been telling my editor this too. Release dates do make a difference.

Shana said...

I know how you feel. Sometimes it's so frustrating to wait.

Shana said...

Thank you, Karen! The Spies Who Went Into the Cold is not The Spy Beneath the Mistletoe. It's a novella and yes, it's the last. For now...

Shana said...

I'm like that too, Amy. I can't remember books, but if I read a chapter, it all comes back. Weird.

Jess1 said...

I like series and reading both about the main characters in sequels or spin off books of characters. I will buy different ways, buy one or more books of the series, or wait for the series to be complete if a short series.

Anita H. said...

I love reading books in a series and I usually read them as they come out since I'm too impatient to wait for the whole series to start reading. That's especially with some of my favorite series like Jill Shalvis' Lucky Harbor and Susan Mallery's Fool's Gold, plus the fact there are so many books in the series, it would drive me bonkers to have to wait to read them! LOL

Shana said...

I often buy them right as they come out, even if I don't have time to read the book. I'm afraid I'll forget about it!

Shana said...

So true, Anita! Those series are long. You couldn't wait for all of them!

Amy said...

Isn't it.

Kim said...

I enjoy reading interconnected books. I read them as they're released, so I'm surprised that some people like to wait for all the books to be published before starting them.

LilMissMolly said...

I enjoy series very much - it's like familiar friends and family.

Lisa M said...

I love a series ...I have to read them IN ORDER ... and I'll buy them and read them as they are released ... who can wait for them all before reading?

Sharlene said...

I love series books & read them in order. I used to read them as they came out, but I read so much that it usually involves a reread of the older books to remember everything, so most of the time I wait until they are all out & read them together. :)

dstoutholcomb said...

books in a series are nice, I read them in order or out of order

Shana said...

Some people have a lot of patience, Kim. Not me!

Shana said...

Thank you, Molly!

Shana said...

People with lots of patience! Thanks, Lisa.

Shana said...

I have to reread too, Sharlene. I think anyone who reads voraciously has this issue.

Shana said...

Most are written so they can be read in any order.

jmcgaugh said...

I love series books and prefer to read them in order, even when it's not necessary for an ongoing plot line. It doesn't bother me to get into an ongoing series and read them as they come out, but I'll also immerse myself in them if there are already a number of them out.

Maggie Steele said...

I love reading series but I don't like the new trend of publishing a few chapters, less than a novella even, at a time. It's ridiculous. I won't even buy the series in that case. I have picked up books in the middle of a series and loved them and it drove me to read the rest!

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