
Guest Post with Author Vivienne Lorret and Giveaway

I fell in love with fairy tales and the romance behind happily ever after at a very young age. Like a lot of you, I tweaked the fables bit by bit in my imagination until they suited me perfectly. By the time I was eleven, a teacher encouraged me to start writing.

Throughout the years that followed, my teachers remained my most fervent supporters, giving me the tools I needed to continue my journey as a writer.

My husband and I have two teenage boys, who are heroes in their own right. For now, we live in a small Midwestern town near Lake Michigan…until a time in the future when a new adventure calls us to other shores.

I am currently working on my next novel, but I always enjoy hearing from my readers. Feel free to email me at

Find Vivienne at:

Do I start with plot or characters?

At the risk of sounding as if my family should keep me locked in the attic for public safety… I hear voices in my head. Characters start to talk to me and I take notes on colorful Post-its, or any scrap of paper I have handy. Usually, the plot doesn’t come until after I’ve discovered who these characters are and they’ve revealed their inner hopes and dreams. Giver that I am, I try to make that happen…after I put them through torture, of course.

If I ever have trouble with their arc or with plot points, my favorite writing tool is to go for a drive in the country, windows down, volume up, and singing at the top of my lungs. Taking a break from the blinking (mocking) cursor, helps to return my focus to where it belongs.

Fans of historical romance authors Lorraine Heath and Sophie Jordan will adore Vivienne Lorret's latest Wallflower Wedding novel.

Delaney McFarland is on the hunt for a husband—preferably one who needs her embarrassingly large dowry more than a dutiful wife. After the unspeakable incident at her debut, Delaney knows marrying for love is off the table, but a marriage of convenience—one that leaves her free to live the life she chooses—is the next best thing, never mind what that arrogant, devilishly handsome Mr. Croft thinks. Delaney plans to marry for money … or not at all.

Ever since the fiery redhead burst into his life—in a most memorable way—Griffin Croft hasn't been able to get Miss McFarland out of his mind. Now, with the maddening woman determined to hand over her fortune to a rake, Griffin knows he must step in. He must help her. He must not kiss her. But when Griffin's noble intentions flee in a moment of unexpected passion, his true course becomes clear: tame Delaney's wild heart and save her from a fate worse than death … a life without love.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |


Check out what's up for grabs.
Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copies of Daring Miss Danvers and Winning Miss Wakefield

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Vivienne.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Vivienne Lorret & Tasty Books for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kim said...

Congratulations on the new release.

May said...

Congrats! I like your first book a lot!

Gretchen said...

I have not read any of this series yet, but it looks great!

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today!

MsAwesome said...

I'm sure you're not the only with voices in their head. I'm just glad yours come out on paper to become to be something beautiful. Mine just yell to stop eating cookies!! I have your Wallflower Wedding series in my TBR =D

Jan Hougland said...

You're not the first author, Vivienne, that has said they hear voices in their head or thoughts or whatever muse that gives them their ideas for stories. I guess that's why I'm just a reader of romances...I lack that imagination to put thoughts (or voices) on paper. I'm in awe of authors and how hard they work to do what they we readers can do what we do. :-) Thanks so much for your writing and for this post.

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