
Interview with Author Kay Thomas and Giveaway

Meet Kay Thomas, author of Personal Target.

Award-winning author Kay Thomas didn’t grow up burning to be a writer. Until fourth grade she wasn’t even much of a reader. That’s when her sister read THE BLACK STALLION aloud to her. For hours Kay was enthralled—shipwrecked and riding an untamed horse across desert sand. Then tragedy struck. Her sister lost her voice. But Kay couldn’t wait to hear what happened in the story—so she picked up that book, finished reading it herself, and went in search of more adventures at the local library. Today she lives in Dallas with her husband, their two children, and a shockingly spoiled Boston terrier. Her national best-selling "bulletproof" novels have been translated into multiple languages. In November 2013, HARD TARGET: Elite Ops-Book 1 was published in her new series from Avon Impulse. Look for PERSONAL TARGET in July 2014. Visit her website at

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First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I live in Dallas but grew up in Mississippi. I’ve been married for 26 years. My husband and I have two children—a boy and a girl—plus a Boston terrier that runs the entire household.

A la Twitter style, please describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
I always “run over” with twitter. So, I’m giving you two tweets:
Elite Ops features sexy ex-military men and the women who rescue their hearts
AEGIS: an elite team of ex-military men working under the radar of most governments. If you have a problem no one else can handle, they can help.

What types of scenes are your most favorite to write?
I enjoy writing action scenes and love scenes. I think because in both there’s a lot of visual and sensory “stuff” (for lack of a more eloquent term) happening. It’s fun, interesting, and definitely a challenge to describe the action of both types of scenes in unique and fresh ways so that the reader visualizes a car exploding or a man kissing a woman in a way they’ve never considered before.

What are the things that influence you the most as a writer?
My family, my faith. I get a lot of ideas from things I hear on the news, combined with everyday conversations I have with other folks. It’s always interesting to imagine what if I took an average person and put them in an extraordinary circumstance. That’s how I usually build my story ideas.

What are some of your favorite characteristics to find in a hero?
At their core, most of stories are all about redemption. A hero that is coming back from the brink of “something” and isn’t sure he can do it by himself. A heroine who is struggling and can’t find her way alone. The challenge is finding the right hero and heroine who each make that other person whole—the one who ‘gets them’ to where they need to be.

Tell me, is there anything that we would be surprised to learn about you?
Probably more things than I would like to share here. : ) But one of the more unusual things might be that my husband asked me to marry him six weeks after our first date, and I said yes. Twenty-six years later, I’m still saying yes.

If you could live inside any book, which one would you choose and why? Any book at all.
Wow, I’ve thought about this one for a while. I would love to time travel for 24 hours. So I think I get caught up in that idea and in the thought of going back in time. That said, Outlander and A Knight in Shining Armor are two books whose worlds I would love to live in, but only for a couple of days.

If you could spend the day in the shoes of any of your characters, who would you choose and why?
Right now, I’d choose the character I’m currently writing just because that’s who is “in my head” at this point.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring only three things, what would you bring and why?
Sunscreen, my kindle (with a solar battery) and my husband.  I realize my husband isn’t a “thing”, but I sure wouldn’t want to be on a desert island without him. Besides being very resourceful, he’s pretty fun.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m working on ELITE OPS 3 and I’m having a great time with it. I don’t have a title yet. It’s Bryan Fisher’s (Hollywood’s) story. I’m just getting started, but I’m very excited about how things are shaping up for him. ELITE OPS 3 will be out late next spring.

If you could visit anywhere for a day by just snapping your fingers and being there, where would you want to go? One lucky “virtual traveller” will win an ecopy of PERSONAL TARGET!

AEGIS: an elite team of ex-military men working under the radar of most governments. If you have a problem no one else can handle, they can help.

A former SEAL and Black Ops specialist who left the CIA, Nick Donovan gave up a life on the edge to work in the private sector. But that didn't stop his enemies from coming after him—or his family. In a case of mistaken identity, a drug cartel kidnaps his sister-in-law's best friend … a woman from Nick's past.

One minute Jennifer Grayson is housesitting and the next she's abducted to a foreign brothel. Jennifer is planning her escape when her first "customer" arrives. Nick, the man who broke her heart years ago, has come to her rescue. Now, as they race for their lives, passion for each other reignites and old secrets resurface. Can Nick keep the woman he loves safe against an enemy with a personal vendetta?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Check out the Elite Ops series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Pride & Prejudice Infinity Scarf + copy of Personal Target & Hard Target
  • 1 eBook copy of Personal Target

To Enter: 
  • Please answer Kay's question: If you could visit anywhere for a day by just snapping your fingers and being there, where would you want to go?
  • Must leave your email address for entry to win the eBook of Personal Target.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Kay Thomas for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


MrsMac19 said...

I'd like to be transported to Italy or Hawaii. Having just driven from NY to FL (& back!), that could work, too! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

Anita Yancey said...

I would like to go to Hawaii, and enjoy the beach. Thanks for having the giveaway

jennifer.essad said...

I'd quickly go back to Michigan to the small town of Suttons Bay

krazymama.98 said...

The great pyramids.
My bucket list is long. And I encourage myself to add something to it every time I check something off. The pyramids are part of it. But that really long shot. So the snapping the fingers thing sound great!!!

Cathy P said...

I'd like to go to Scotland. Thanks for the giveaway!

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