
Guest Post with Author Roxanne Snopek and Giveaway

Meet Roxanne Snopek, author of Finding Home.

Roxanne Snopek is a former veterinary nurse, aerobics instructor, dog trainer, H&R Block tax preparer, florist assistant, ice-cream shop server and cosmetics salesperson. With such wildly uncommitted career interests, writing novels was a natural choice for this book-lover, and she’s grateful every day that she gets to do it! Her work has travelled much farther than she has, with articles and books translated into more than ten languages, and audio rights currently under negotiation.

Find Roxanne at:

Old House, New Home

When I was about eight, my parents bought an old one-room school-house on 40 acres of land, and proceeded to move it onto a basement and turn it into a family home. I didn’t know it at the time, but it would spark a life-long interest in construction and renovation. There’s something about the smell of fresh-cut lumber that thrills me, and I love the idea of bringing new life to something that might otherwise be discarded.

My recent release, FINDING HOME, is about a woman who’s doing the same thing, and discovers in the process that she’s also restoring a part of her life she thought was gone forever.

FINDING HOME is book 2 a new five-novella series called Montana Born Homecoming. The first book, SING ME BACK HOME by Eve Gaddy released last week. FINDING HOME came next, and will be quickly followed by #3: HOMETOWN HERO by Dani Collins, #4: LONG WAY HOME by Kathleen O’Brien and #5: HOME FOR GOOD by Terri Reed.

To celebrate this new series, I’m giving away a $10 Amazon gift card. Enter below to help spread the news, and best of luck to you all!

Fourteen years after her abrupt departure, Samara Davis is back in Marietta, Montana. Now a widow, all she wants is to give her anxious four-year old daughter, Jade, a happy, stable home. Unfortunately, the heritage house she purchased is nowhere near ready for occupancy. And the man responsible for the delay is none other than high-school golden boy and love of her life Logan Stafford, available, interested and just as swoon-worthy as ever.

But this single mother has one priority. She’s all Jade has, and she’ll do anything, make any sacrifice, for her child’s future. And getting distracted by a long-lost boyfriend is not on the agenda.

Logan Stafford never forgot the lonely girl from the wrong side of the tracks who broke his heart. Not only is she as irresistible as ever, but her delightfully odd little girl has him wrapped around her finger in no time. Believing they’ve been given a second chance, Logan’s determined to pull out all the stops on the house to prove to them both that he’s a guy they can count on. But, despite how easy it is to love Logan, a second chance is still a gamble Samara can’t afford to take.

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“You really think we can be just friends?” Logan ran a finger along her cheekbone, feeling the shudder that ran through her.

“I don’t know, Logan.” Samara’s voice was husky. “It’s like we’ve stepped through a portal or something. It feels like the past is gone and I’m sixteen again, only we’re grown-ups this time.”

He could hear her ramping up and rather than letting it happen, he silenced her the best way he knew how.

He lowered his head to hers, slowly, so she could see him coming. Her lips parted, in anticipation, in fear, out of breathlessness or a need to speak, he didn’t care. He pressed his against them and heard her quick intake of breath.

Her hands went up to his neck and she pulled herself closer, her mouth softening against his, opening, until they were necking like the pair of teenagers they had been, urgently, desperately, the rest of the world falling away until it was only them, no one else mattering, nothing necessary to their survival but that they hold on, hold on, hold on to each other and never let go.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Roxanne.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Roxanne Snopek for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


cheryl c said...

I really enjoy second chance romances. This one sounds delightful!

Unknown said...

I am currently reading "Hearts in the Wild" Looking forward to your latest writings.

Anita Yancey said...

I love stories about second chances, and this one sounds like a really good one. The characters really make it a wonderful story.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading my way through all the Marietta, Montana series' and already have 3 of the 5 novellas in this one. When I have the last two I'll read them together. ;)

Marcy Shuler

Sandy Kenny said...

I love second chance stories--everyone deserves a second chance!

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