
Interview with Author Jamie K. Schmidt and Giveaway

Meet Jamie K. Schmidt, author of Longing.

Jamie K. Schmidt has published more than thirty short stories in small-press journals and e-zines. She’s an active member in the Romance Writers of America. When not writing, she relaxes with a mug of hot tea and knits or makes beaded jewelry. She sells her handcrafted items at Connecticut’s historic Dudley Farm during the summer.

Find Jamie at:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you? 
I love crafts. I tried my hand in soap making, bath fizzes, jewelry making, and knitting. I’m awful at crocheting, painting, and spinning. I’m going to try making candles and my own essential oils at some point in the future. One of my dreams is to clean out my very large back yard and set up a horse barn. I want a draft horse because I think they’re wonderful. I swoon over Percherons. And I figure while I’ve got the fenced in paddock, it’s only natural to get a couple of goats (milk for lotions and soap), sheep, and llamas (fiber for my knitting). Oh, and I also write – a lot. Mostly in my head and then I download it from my head to the computer.

Did you always want to be a writer? 
Yes, when I was in the fourth grade, I wrote a novel about “The Fuzzies” – a group of anthropomorphic dryer lint.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter? 
Pantser, when I can get my pants in the seat. I recently tried to do a plot board, but it gave me hives. So my friends decided to call it a story board or an idea board. It’s a lot of fun. You get to use creatively shaped sticky notes on a cardboard tri-board.

Where do your ideas come from? 
Dreams, mostly. Some days I wake up with a full blown plot in my head. Other times, it’s just a great scene or compelling characters.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Club Inferno-where Dominance & Desire collide.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read? 
I pretty much read everything. In mysteries, I love Charlaine Harris’ Shakespeare series and Alexander McCall Smith’s Number One Ladies Detective Agency books. In fantasy, I love Lindsay Buroker’s The Emperor’s Edge series. I love urban fantasies with sexy fun thrown in the mix: Ilona Andrews’ Kate Daniel series; Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series. I like military science fiction too, like Tanya Huff’s Valor series. For romance, I like it steamy with Lauren Dane’s books. Romantic suspense, Dana Martin’s Spy series kept me riveted. Contemporary romance, you can never go wrong with Kristan Higgins or Laura Moore. Yeah, I’m so glad for my Kindle otherwise you would see me on an episode of Hoarders surrounded by books.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it? 
This changes week per week. The books I re-read the most when I’m having a bad day and need to escape are Loretta Chase’s Lord of Scoundrel and Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels series.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write? 
The first words of the day. It’s so hard for me to get started, but once I do the words just flow.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why? 
George RR Martin so I could ply him with wine and see if I could get any spoilers out of him about Winds of Winter or Song of Spring. Jennie Lawson, the Bloggess, because her book “Let’s Pretend this Never Happened” had me howling with laughter and I think she’d be a real kick to hang out with. And Simon R. Green so I could try and convince him to write another space opera in the same vein as his Deathstalker novels.

Last question, are you working on anything right now? 
Yes. I’m finishing up the Club Inferno series. Colleen and Chase get their book in 2015 with Fever and Nefertiti and Istvahn shine in Passion. I also have a paranormal romance series called the Emerging Queens. It’s about shapeshifting dragons. Book Two, The Queen’s Flight is in line edits right now, and Book Three The Queen’s Dance in the works.

Couture – the business front of Club Inferno – is a fashionista’s paradise. In LONGING, Anya is sorting through the clothes in Couture’s lending closet, which is the size of a department store. The “closet” is there for Couture members to try on new designers. What outfit would you like to borrow from Couture’s closet?

Desire never goes out of style, as Jamie K. Schmidt proves in the sizzling continuation of her Club Inferno series—perfect for readers of Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared to You.

Reeling from a disastrous love affair, model and budding fashion designer Anya Litton needs a temporary refuge, a place to lick her wounds and plan her next career move. At Club Inferno, where seductively chic men and women indulge their most intimate fantasies, she can mix business with unimaginable pleasure. Anya quickly connects with club Dom Clint Reyes, who unleashes Anya’s deepest longings over nights of burning passion.

Clint is a master at taking submissives to the heights of pleasure in Club Inferno’s opulent private dungeons. But it’s Anya who has Clint begging for more when the woman of his dreams becomes his eager partner in exploring the limits of desire. As their relationship ignites into an erotic contest of wills—and a jealous rival plots against them both—Clint prepares to fight for a future with Anya. In this complicated dance, the wrong move could end it all . . . and taking control means total surrender.

Longing is an erotic romance intended for mature audiences.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Check out the Club Inferno series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Gift Card + Loveswept Mug and Tote

To Enter: 
  • What outfit would you like to borrow from Couture’s closet?
  • US/CA shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Jamie K. Schmidt + Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today!

Marcy Meyer said...

I haven't read the book, so I'm not sure what I would I borrow. Probably a fabulously, sexy, little black dress with killer heels.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win......I haven't read any of your books, Yet

Sue G. said...

A fun one of a kind little black dress from a well known designer!

Anonymous said...

I rarely dress up and have never worn anything by a designer, so I'd just like something that makes me look fabulous! ;)

Marcy Shuler

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen H said...

Don't know what's in that closet....would love to take a look though!

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