
Review: Tempting Sydney by Angela Corbett

Tempting Sydney is the first book that I have read by Angela Corbett and I did enjoy it. There were a lot of things that I really liked about this story, but there were also things that didn't work for me. I feel like this one was a bit hard for me to rate because what I liked I really liked, and what I didn't I really didn't like. I would definitely say that this one is worth the read, but honestly it wasn't my favorite and I found it predictable in a lot of ways.

Sydney Parker is an inexperienced law student, set on getting good grades and becoming a successful lawyer. She has never had much time for boys or dating because of her dedication to her future. But all that changes when she meets the sexy Jackson West. She is at first attracted to his beautiful blue eyes, but she quickly sees that he is so much more than that. Jackson gets to know Sydney better by working on her 1969 Camaro, and he is determined to get her to take a shot with him. But Jackson also has a past that has kept him from opening up to anyone in a long time, and tries to keep things fun and light with Sydney. But Sydney isn't willing to continue seeing Jax unless he can open up to her. Can Sydney and Jax find a way to open up to one another and take a chance on a future together?
I liked both Sydney and Jax. They were both refreshing and different, and I really liked that these characters weren't just your typical cookie cutter type of NA characters. Sydney was inexperienced but she wasn't a virgin. She was dedicated to her education and future and preferred to study rather than go out and party. Yet she wasn't judgmental about her best friend Brynn who was promiscuous and dated and partied like they were going out of style. I liked that she didn't always push Jax, but that she just wanted to know that he would eventually open up to her even if he couldn't at that time. I thought that she was supportive and was really good for him. Jax was more experienced, but that was more due to the fact that he was older than him being the typical manwhore. He was always looking out for Sydney and was so sweet with her. I loved seeing him being thoughtful and really taking in everything that she did and said. He was interested in her for more than just the physical, and that really showed. I thought that they had great chemistry and the attraction between them was clear.

But those things being said, I did have issues with this one. I felt like their emotional connection and relationship while it took awhile, had an insta-love feel to it. I wasn't buying it because they fought everything back and forth for so long that by the time they got together they were already practically saying they loved each other. It just didn't work for me. While I saw them getting there, it felt like that part was actually pretty rushed. I also felt like these two had a lot of push and pull. Sydney kept pushing him away when he would try, but then Sydney would come around only for Jax to shut her out. It got old and frustrating really quickly. Beyond that, the story itself felt pretty predictable and didn't really bring anything new or different to the NA category. I felt like while the story was alright it wasn't anything special outside of the characters. I would definitely say the high point was the characters if not their actions. Jax was charming and sweet and impossible not to fall for. I liked that they were easy to root for and care about, I just wish that the story had been different. I also thought that while Sydney's friend Brynn and their friendship was fun, sometimes it felt a bit too over the top. She was crazy and I liked that, but honestly she seemed to have a new guy every night and that bothered me a bit. It really almost felt irresponsible how she seemed to not put much thought into her own safety or well being and she just cared about who she was hooking up with that night. I would read more from Angel Corbett in the future based off the characters in this story, but hopefully the story will have a bit more than just some characters that I loved.

**Review Copy Provided by Jean Book Nerd Tours**

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