
ARC Review: Dylan by S.L. Scott

Dylan is the third part of S.L. Scott's From the Inside Out series, and takes place after Scorned and Jealousy. This should only be read after you have read the previous two books. I love the idea of this series and how S.L. Scott has given us two different endings. You can choose your side whether you are Austin or Dylan and read either of them or both. For me, despite me having a clear choice of who I believe is best for Jules I have to read both stories to see what happens! I have this need to see not only every possibility, but also how S.L. Scott weaves these stories together and how things play out. I highly recommend this series, and anything by S.L. Scott as I love her writing style and everything that I have read by her.

Four Years ago, Dylan made the biggest mistake of his life when he left Juliette. He had been tempted by a woman who offered him money and power and the promise of a successful future. But having lived the last several years without Juliette by his side, he realized that she meant more than any of that ever could and he is determined to get her back. Jules has now started to move on though and has been seeing Austin. Dylan refuses to give up easily though and will do whatever it takes to show Jules that he is the guy for her. It won't be easy to earn back her trust and get her to take another chance on a relationship with Dylan, but he won't let anything stop him from winning back his girl.

I really can't say much about this installment without giving anything away other than it was brilliant. I loved every bit of it , and I really enjoyed getting to see more of Dylan. I thought that this installment did a great job of letting us see who he was and who he had become, and it showed just how much he realized he had screwed up. It was good to see him committed to showing Jules what he felt for her was real and how much he wanted to make things right. He felt like they were meant to be together and I thought that it was really clear how much he believed that with all his heart. While I can't say how things end, I will tell you that I loved getting to know Dylan better and really getting to understand his character more. If you are a Dylan fan from the previous two installments, you definitely will not want to miss out on this one! If you weren't a Dylan fan before, I think you should still read this one because it really allows you to see him in a completely different light. I can't say enough about this series and why you should read it, but trust me you will not be disappointed by picking these up!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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