
ARC Review: Slade by Adriane Leigh

I am a huge fan of Adriane Leigh's and have enjoyed every book of hers that I have read. Slade is the third book in her Wild series, and each book can be read as a standalone. You do miss out on some back story and getting to know the characters though, so I would recommend reading these in order if you can but its not necessary. That being said, while I did enjoy this story I didn't love this one like the other books I have read from Leigh. This one just didn't have the same feel to it, and I found myself losing interest and my attention wandering as I read it.

Slade and Dillon grew up together, but were always just acquaintances rather than friends. Until one night when every changes between them. Dillon and Slade begin a friends with benefits type relationship because Dillon doesn't do boyfriends. Slade wants more from Dillon and is determined to convince her to give them a chance. He knows that Dillon has secrets and that she is hiding things from him. Dillon has her reasons for not having relationships, and until Slade she has never wanted more. But the more that Dillon tries to keep things just physical, the more that Slade starts to get under her skin.

I liked Slade and Dillon together. They were super sexy, and I loved that they were compatible on a physical level. Slade liked control and was into some kink, but he didn't let it go to his head. He was protective and understanding, and he always took care of Dillon. He would never hurt her, and I liked that he was always trying to show her that they were more. He was interested in more than just sex with her, and it was clear how much he was growing to care for her. Dillon was hard to warm up to. She was a bit cold and didn't let others in. Slade tried so hard with her, and I started to feel bad for the way she treated him. I knew that Dillon had issues, but honestly they didn't excuse her actions for me. She made some bad choices, and I think she let her fears and insecurities rule her life. I was glad that Slade was able to get through to her and allow her to see that she could trust him.

Overall, this book was a good and enjoyable read. It was super sexy, and I loved the physical portions of this story. I thought that the sex was really hot and that the scenes were written well. But unfortunately for me, that seemed to be the majority of this book. The story line itself felt thin to me and as though it was only there to fill the space between sex scenes. I was hoping for more, and I really wanted to see Slade and Dillon develop a strong connection outside the bedroom as well as in. But I really felt that we only got a bit of that and that the focus was on the chemistry and sexual attraction between them. I think that Adriane Leigh is a great writer, but this wasn't my favorite of hers. I will still look for more from her in the future though, and am excited to see what she does next.

**ARC Provided by Between The Sheets Promotions**

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