
Audiobook Review: Torn by Kim Karr, Narrated by Veronica Meunch and Christian Fox

The Connections series by Kim Karr is one of my favorite contemporary series that I have ever read. I really love all the characters and I find them all really interesting. Each character is unique and deep, and I love that Kim Karr has made them so real by giving them to us flaws and all. After reading and loving Torn, I really wanted more of my favorite characters so I couldn't wait to be able to hear their story.Torn has the same narrators from the Connected Audiobook, and I thought that Veronica Meunch and Christian Fox did a great job again with Torn.

Torn picks up after the shocking events in Connected, and the reader quickly finds out more about where the cliffhanger left off. Now that we know Ben is not really dead and has returned home, River and Dahlia are both left to wonder what the future holds for all of them. Dahlia thought that Ben was the one for her, but after his death she reconnected with River and they discovered a connection unlike anything they had ever felt before. Even though Dahlia needs to know about what really happened with Ben, she is committed to River and determined to show him that Ben being back changes nothing between them. But even though River knows how Dahlia feels about him, he is also scared that now that Ben is back things will change. With Ben determined to get back everything he had before, including Dahlia, will River and Dahlia be able to get through everything and have a future together? Or will the obstacles in their way tear them apart?

River and Dahlia are some of my all time favorite book characters. I really love both of them, and I love how perfect they are for each other. They are so different from any other characters I have ever read before, and I really loved seeing the narrators continue to bring their story to life. This book is so much more emotional than the first, and both River and Dahlia are struggling with what their new circumstances mean for their relationship. I felt like Veronica Meunch and Christian Fox did such a great job of really showing the emotion and turmoil that these characters are feeling. Their narration made everything so realistic, and listening to the audiobook almost felt like you were really a part of what these characters were going through.

I really thought that Veronica Meunch and Christian Fox were great narrators for this story. They were clear and easy to understand. They were also able to do multiple characters well so that they listener always knew who was talking. I thought that Christian did a great River, but he also does a really great job at Ben as well. Veronica Meunch continued to show that she is great at Dahlia as well, and I really thought that she was one of the better female narrators that I have listened to so far. I am really enjoying these two in this series, and I really hope that they will continue to narrate the audiobooks for the Connections series. They do such a great job of bringing Kim Karr's fabulous books to life, and I really think that they are the perfect pair of narrators for these books.

**Audiobook Provided by Tantor Audio**

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