
Fall into Romance Event with Roxanne Snopek

Roxanne Snopek is a former veterinary nurse, aerobics instructor, dog trainer, H&R Block tax preparer, florist assistant, ice-cream shop server and cosmetics salesperson. With such wildly uncommitted career interests, writing novels was a natural choice for this book-lover, and she’s grateful every day that she gets to do it! Her work has travelled much farther than she has, with articles and books translated into more than ten languages, and audio rights currently under negotiation.

Find Roxanne at:

My THREE RIVER RANCH series begins at the end of summer, in my imaginary world of Lutherton, Montana. I could almost smell the grass beneath the mustangs’ feet as I wrote, and I still can. Now with four full-length books and a novella, this series celebrates the triumph of love (of course!) as well as the great outdoors, animals and the importance of family.

Roxanne’s Five Favorite Things About Autumn

1) My dead garden. It’s not my fault it’s dead and I don’t have to water anymore!

2) Daylight Saving Time. “Fall Back” gives me an extra hour of sleep. It’s like a little miracle. (Of course, we pay for it in spring, but I don’t want to talk about that now.)

3) Changing leaves. Cliché, I know, but what can I say, scarlet is my color.

4) Soup. I love making soup. It’s my favorite source of vegetables.

5) New TV series! Let me just say: OUTLANDER!

Top Five Benefits of Reading Romance:

1) Women who read romance have more sex. Don’t ask me for a reference. It’s just true.

2) Women who read romance have better sex. It’s got to be better, or they’d be having less, right?

3) That “ahhh” feeling at the end of a book, when your world is just a little bit sweeter and more hopeful because characters you love triumphed over their obstacles.

4) We get to live vicariously through our romance heroines. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve gone smoke-jumping with Nora Roberts. Sky-diving: check!

5) Women who read romance have happier mates. (Because, well, you know. See 1 and 2, above.)

To celebrate fall, love and romance novels, I’m giving away books! Three lucky winners, selected from the comments below, will receive a THREE RIVER RANCH ebook of their choice. Best of luck and HAPPY AUTUMN!

And here’s two questions to get the comments rolling:

1. Do you agree with 1 and 2 of Roxanne’s Top Five Benefits of Reading Romance?

2. (In case you’re shy about question #1) Which tempts you more: Pumpkin-Spice lattes or White-Chocolate mochas?

The power might be out…but the heat is on.

Every year, free-spirited Frankie Sylva banishes her holiday loneliness with good deeds. This time, she’s rescuing a truckload of neglected reindeer—until a blizzard sidetracks her scheme, and now she’s stuck…literally.

Local sheriff Red LeClair is shocked to find a very cute, half-frozen woman trespassing on Three River Ranch in a ditched rig, with a suspiciously empty trailer. Is she a horse thief? Is she on the run? Is she out of her mind? He has no choice but to take her back to the ranch and keep an eye on her.

But when the power goes out, Red and Frankie are forced to depend on each other in a way that both have avoided for years. The sheriff’s quiet holiday is suddenly festive: a crackling fire, candles, carols, and an irresistible stranger…who might be a felon.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 3 copies of A Three River Ranch eBook of Choice

To Enter: 
  • Do you agree with 1 and 2 of Roxanne’s Top Five Benefits of Reading Romance? Or (In case you’re shy about question #1) Which tempts you more: Pumpkin-Spice lattes or White-Chocolate mochas?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Roxanne Snopek for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

I definitely agree with #1 and #2. Now that my kids are older and I have time to read again, it certainly helps! ;) And I haven't heard any complaints from hubby.

Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Roxanne! Boy, you certainly know how to ask the hard questions! I would have to agree with #2 but I'm not so sure about #1...I think women who read romance know that quality is better than quantity...especially those of us who are a part of the "sandwich generation" who both work full time, have kids, etc...
Anyway, congrats on the new release! It sounds like a fun read!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Sandra! Good to see you!

Filia Oktarina said...

Oh yes, definitely agree!!! LOL!!

erin said...

Congrats Roxanne on the new release!!! LOL... if I go off my own experience... then no, I don't agree w/ #1 or #2 But a girl can dream!! maybe I'm setting my bar high b/c of the romance I read :) Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear about another happy hubby, Sue! ;)

Unknown said...

Hey Filia, great to see you!

Unknown said...

That's another great thing about romance novels: they show you (hopefully) the kind of love to aim for! Good luck and thanks for dropping in!

Anonymous said...

I like the list and...I prefer White Chocolate Mochas. LOL Thanks for the laugh, Roxanne!

Marcy Shuler

MrsMac19 said...

I do agree with Roxanne's list(s)! ;-) I prefer PSL, but just a few sips at a time. Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

Unknown said...

Hey Marcy, glad to be of service! ;) I agree, WCM is delicious but only, as MrsMac19 says below, in small amounts. I tend to like my coffee unflavored... but accompanied by something luscious. Lemon-cranberry scones, to be precise.

Unknown said...

For me, it's the smell of the pumpkin spice. It's just heavenly... but I'd rather have it in a muffin, accompanying my coffee. Man, I'm hungry now...

Mary Preston said...

I have to agree. Still smiling.

Sue G. said...


Glenda said...

I have to say #1 depends. You have to have time to indulge, both in reading and . . . . ;-)

Unknown said...

Hi Mary! Glad to hear it!

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, indulgence time... very necessary!

Ada said...

Hi Roxanne! Love your top 5 lists, hehe! Personally I totally love daylight saving time. Anytime I can catch an extra hour of sleep, count me in!! And I'm not a fan of either Pumpkin-Spice lattes or White-Chocolate mochas but I'll take a Hot Chocolate with whipping cream.

Anita H. said...

I'm going with the adage, a lady never tells! Lol! I've not tried a White Chocolate Mocha before, not too keen on Pumpkin Spiced drinks and I rather have a Chocolate Mocha Latte! Thanks for sharing your fun lists!

Kim said...

Seriously, every time I read something by Roxanne, I squeal!!! LOVED the guest post.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Kimmie!! It's always great to see you! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Ada! Extra hour of sleep, here we come!!

Unknown said...

You're welcome, Lady-Anita, glad you enjoyed!

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