
Guest Post with Author Sawyer Bennett and Giveaway

Meet Sawyer Bennett, author of Alex.

USA Today bestselling author Sawyer Bennett is a snarky Southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. Her husband works for a Fortune 100 company which lets him fly all over the world while she stays at home with their daughter and three big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn’t have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.

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So, Alex is a sports romance. He’s a professional hockey player, and while he’s not the first hockey player I’ve written about, he is the one that I’ve spent more detail on when it comes to the game of hockey. I often get asked how I became interested in hockey. My Dad is a retired Marine (Ooh rah!) and the definition of a Man’s Man; all those visions of the tough as nails Marine that you have in your head? Yeah, right on track – my Dad. Now, I’m a born and raised Southerner, but my Dad is a Pee-Ay (that is what people from Pennsylvania call their state) and, loving my Dad like children do, I naturally gravitated toward those activities that we could do together and that meant watching hockey… Penguins Hockey to be exact. Some of my most memorable experiences revolve around sharing Penguins hockey with my family and friends.

I never watched hockey before the 90’s. If you are, a-hem, ‘of a certain age’, you might remember how hard it was to watch hockey on TV. But in the early 90’s, my Dad took me to my first game, the Penguins vs. Islanders. This was the age when Mario Lemieux and Ron Francis were Kings and Jaromir Jagr was a newly imported Prince. Again, if you are of certain age, you might remember that back in the day, there were fewer safety procedures like the nets that protected us fans from wild pucks or the face shields for players. I’ll never forget the definining moment for me when I realized that hockey was going to be my favorite sport. One of the players took a puck to the face and, as face wounds often do, he bled all over the place. After he was taken off, very likely to be stitched up so he could keep playing, the ref performed a clean up; he kicked at the bloody ice making a bloody pile of slush, then kicked it to the back of the net. I watched all this with amazement, then turned to my Dad, “This game is so cool!!”. A fan was born.

USA Today bestselling author Sawyer Bennett scores big-time with the first novel in a sexy new series hot enough to melt the ice.

Hockey star Alexander Crossman has a reputation as a cold-hearted player on and off the rink. Pushed into the sport by an alcoholic father, Alex isn’t afraid to give fans the proverbial middle finger, relishing his role as the MVP they love to hate. Management, however, isn’t so amused. Now Alex has a choice: fix his public image through community service or ride the bench. But Alex refuses to be molded into the Carolina Cold Fury poster boy . . . not even by a tempting redhead with killer curves.

As a social worker, Sutton Price is accustomed to difficult people—like Alex, who’s been assigned to help her create a drug-abuse awareness program for at-risk youth as part of the team’s effort to clean up his image. What she doesn’t expect is the arrogant smirk from his perfect lips to stir her most heated fantasies. But Sutton isn’t one to cross professional boundaries—and besides, Alex doesn’t do relationships . . . or does he? The more she sees behind Alex’s bad-boy façade, the more Sutton craves the man she uncovers.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Alex Crossman/Carolina Cold Fury Hockey Jersey

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  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sawyer Bennett & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sandy Kenny said...

Hi Sawyer! I have loved the game of hockey since the mid-80's (Go Flyers!)...It's an all PA house here--hubby is from Pittsburgh and all of my family is from Philly, so you can imagine when these teams play one becomes a bit "uncomfortable".
Aside from sports, I also love to read romance. I've always wanted to read a hockey-related romance but until now, it hasn't been available (except in my wild imagination, of course!). I can't wait to get to read your stories--thanks for writing them!

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting....Contacted the publisher about Giveaway....Please come back and enter later today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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