
Review: The Jordan Collection by Jess Michaels

The Jordans Collection is comprised of Jess Michaels, writing as Jenna Petersen, three books; The Secrets of a Lady, The Temptation of a Gentleman, and The Desires of a Countess. As a series box set this is a really good collection of exciting Regency Romance. It follows the three siblings Aubrey, Noah, and Ginny Jordan. All three are easy reads and thoroughly enjoyable. I have to say I liked The Secrets of a Lady.

The Secrets of a Lady is Aubrey’s story. After embarrassing herself at the wedding of her brother’s best friend, Griffin Berenger, and the love of her life who views her as nothing but Noah’s little sister. Aubrey imbibes a little too much champagne and ends up spilling her guts to Griffin and kisses him only to be caught by his new wife. Aubrey’s reputation was ruined, courtesy of the new Mrs. Berenger, and her mother insists she marry and tries to arrange one with a boring squire. Aubrey talks her brother into letting her join him in his spy games for The Home Office. Five years or so later Aubrey is back in Griffin’s life and this time she and Noah are asking for a favor. They need to trap a vile man as he plans to kill the King but they need proof first, Aubrey is helping the best way she knows how and letting the vile man play court to her. Griffin doesn’t like it one bit, after that fateful kiss all he could think about was Aubrey. His wife was horrid and didn’t bother to hide her affairs. Aubrey still loves Griffin but tries to keep her distance because he is still in mourning. Through a series of entertaining events Aubrey and Griffin risk everything to be together.

The Temptation of a Gentleman, Noah’s story, is just like the first one. Noah is getting ready to retire from the spy business but he has one last favor to fulfill. He was asked if he could look in to the death of a friend’s goddaughter who lives not too far from his estate. Once there he discovers the widowed husband is already looking for a new young bride. Marion Hawthorne is basically being sold to the widower to pay off her father’s debts. Already suspicious of the man Marion is all for helping Noah to find out all the secrets. Noah has never met a girl like Marion and although he feels guilty for using her he needs her to help him discover the truth. But when plans go bad and Marion runs to Noah’s for help and ruins her reputation doing in the process Marion and Noah must marry, unless her father succeeds in kidnapping her first.

The Desires of a Countess, is Ginny’s first appearance. Just being mentioned in the past books as being the youngest daughter who did her family duty and married well, she distanced herself from the family as part of it. The other part of it was that the man she married turned out to be an utter bastard, verbally and physically abused Ginny and their son. Now months after his death her husband’s cousin is coming to check accounts and see what needs to be done as he is now in control of the money until Ginny’s son becomes of age. Simon Webber has no idea why he was picked to do this but he does it out of family obligation. The gorgeous jaded widow wasn’t what he expected and immediately wanted to protect her and her son and do right by her. When Ginny’s secret is threatened to be revealed Simon steps up and shows Ginny not every man is bad.

Ginny put me off at first being so jaded and closed-minded being purposely obtuse about Simon just for the sake to keep him at a distance, but Simon doesn’t give up easily and you end up seeing the likeable side of her toward the end of the book. Noah and Aubrey were more likable characters, Noah the lovable rake wanting to reform and Marion is just the sweet girl to do it. Aubrey knows her heart and sticks by her feelings even if she ends up broken hearted and Griffin after suffering with a heinous bitch deserves Aubrey’s unconditional love. This book set is a definite must own.

**Copy provided by Author**

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