
Review: The Perfect Game by J. Sterling

I loved this book. I have heard so much about this story, and I honestly don't know why it took me this long to read this one! I am so glad that I read this story, and I think that this is one that people will have very strong feelings about one way or another. For me, this book was so good and it was not always easy. It just shows how messy love and relationships can get and I really liked how real it was.

Jack and Cassie weren't perfect by any means, and they both made mistakes and had issues. But honestly, they were so real to me and I loved them both flaws and all. Jack was sexy and determined, and I really loved his ways of winning Cassie over. He was so sweet and genuine at times, and I was really glad that Cassie was able to bring that out in him. He was so much deeper than what you first see and I loved getting to know him better as the story went on. I will say that he really pissed me off, and he could be an absolute jerk at times. He made some horrible decisions and I even hated him at one point. But he always had a way of bringing me back and making me fall in love with him all over again. Cassie made Jack work for it, and her trust didn't come easy. I saw how hard it was for her to give that to him, and when he screwed up and lost it due to his actions my heart absolutely broke for her. But the best part about Cassie was that despite Jack's screw ups, she saw something in him that no one else did. She loved him for who he was, and always saw the best in him. She believed in him and showed him that he could be more than what he had thought. These two had so much chemistry, I am surprised that my Kindle didn't burst into flames. They were really hot together, but they also had such a strong connection to one another and a love that was undeniable.

This book definitely had me feeling a ton of emotions, and I honestly can say that this one ran me through the wringer. I laughed and cried, and I enjoyed every bit of it. To say that I devoured this book is an understatement, and I really think someone would have had to pry my Kindle out of my hands in order to get me to stop reading. I can't wait to get more of these two and see the rest of their journey. Cassie and Jack aren't perfect, but their love is unique and their own and it is beautiful. J. Sterling wrote an amazing start to these two, and I loved her writing style. I can't wait to read more from her in the future.

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