
ARC Review: Flirting With Love by Melissa Foster

Flirting With Love is the 18th book in the Love In Bloom series by Melissa Foster and is the 10th Bradens book. I really love this series and I have enjoyed every book that I have read by Melissa Foster. Each of these books can be read as standalones, but they do contain interconnected characters. If you are looking for a good contemporary read, you really can't go wrong with anything by Melissa Foster. While it isn't necessary to start at the beginning of this series, I think that it is really enjoyable to see the series progress and how each of the characters have grown and changed over the course of the whole series.

Elisabeth Nash has always wanted to live in Trusty, Colorado where she once spent summers with her Aunt Cora. She finally decides to leave LA behind and make the big move after she inherits her aunt's farmette and business. Upon arrival she discovers that she has also inherited her aunt's many animals, and when a piglet needs help she goes to the local vet and neighbor Ross Braden. The attraction between them is instant, and both Ross and Elisabeth find themselves enjoying the other's company. Soon they are hanging out and their feelings are far more than neighborly. Ross doesn't date Trusty women though and is hesitant to start anything with Elisabeth due to small town gossip. But before long he finds himself unable to fight the connection he feels to Elisabeth. As Elisabeth tries to find a way to get in with the locals, Ross is determined to help her in any way that he can. But will Trusty and it's residents welcome Elisabeth like she has always dreamed of?

I really liked Ross. I have been waiting to get my hands on the sexy vet's story since he was first introduced. I knew that he was going to be one of my favorites, and he definitely exceeded my expectations. He was a genuinely good guy that loved animals, and was passionate about their care. The best thing about Ross though was that with him what you see is what you get. He was straightforward with what he was looking for and I loved that he didn't play games. He was also so sweet and I loved how supportive he was with Elisabeth. Elisabeth was the perfect match for Ross. She was kind and caring, and she gave so much to others. She would go out of her way to make them happy and to help in any way that she could. She was great with animals as well, and I loved how much these two had in common. Sometimes opposites attract, but with Elisabeth and Ross these two were so much alike and they just fit together. They had the emotional connection and similar interests, and they had off the charts chemistry as well.

Overall, this was definitely one of my favorites of this entire series! I loved Ross and Elisabeth, and I thought that their story was great. I really loved seeing Elisabeth win over Trusty and it's residents, and I thought that her growing friendship with Ross's sister Emily was so much fun! I loved how easily they got along and it was good to see her bond so instantly with Ross's family. She just fit in with everyone even though she was different from everyone in town. I highly recommend this book as well as the rest of the series to contemporary fans. These books are always enjoyable, and I know that I will have a great time reading anything by Melissa Foster. I can't wait for more in this series and from Melissa Foster in the future.

**ARC Provided by Tasty Book Tours**

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Melissa Foster said...

A new favorite! Yay! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. I'm so happy you enjoyed the book so much. Have some sweet Braden dreams ;-)

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